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Jeff's POV

The party was almost going to start. We've been setting up all day and everything looks mildly good, minus the fact Toby keeps eating the snacks, Masky and hoodie ate the cheese cake and now have to make another under Slender's supervision. EJ keeps trying to put kidneys as part of the snacks and lastly, Helen can't make up his mind for the banner, whether it should be pink, yellow, or red. Y/n's been the only one I could tolerate this entire evening. When something went wrong she'd fix it right away.

Another knock came from the door and I went to answer it. The slender brothers stood side by side. "Where's Y/n?" Offender immediately asked. "Don't worry about it." I glared at him. "Still obsessive as ever I see." Offender sounded disappointed. "Still wearing that hideous jacket I see." Trender sneered at me. "Hey you bitch, this jacket his nicer than anything you have in your closet so suck a dick." I snapped at Trender. He sighed and I imagined he rolled his eyes as he walked past me. "And I'm not obsessive, I'm protective, there's a difference. You're obsessive I'm protective." I explained to offender who just chuckled darkly and pushed his way past me. "Evening Jeff." Splendor tipped his hat to me and slide past me too. I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. I went to close the door before a hand stopped it, I pulled back the door to see who it was. "Hey Jeffy, where's Sally, I bet this party's gonna be loads of fun!" Laughing Jack laughed loudly. I rolled my eyes and pointed to the kitchen where I knew Sally would be considering slender was there. "Don't be such a grump, You should smile more Jeff....BAWHAHAHA!!!" He cracked up and stepped in the house. "Ha-ha good one." I sarcastically laughed. "Idiot clown..." I heard a rougher voice. I looked to the doorway to see none other than dark link. "Move." He said to me stepping in the mansion. "I pushed the door making it hit his shoulder. He glared at me and I glared back. He was even more of a pain in the ass than Ben. "Hey Jeff what do we do with these?" Y/n asked walked up to me with some more balloons. "Hell-o and who are you?" Dark link purred. She nervously looked between me and him before slightly smiling and introducing herself. "I'm Y/n...I'm new here." She said trying to be a good host. "Well in that case, I promise by the end of the night me and you will know each other really well." Dark link winked at her making her furrow her eyebrows and look to me. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her closer to me. "Go sit with offender." I demanded to link. "Oh, hello, you must be Jeff's girlfriend." LJ said entering the main hallway again. Y/n chuckled and I mentally face palmed. "No, we're just really good friends." She explained. I was surprised she didn't say something mean. "In that case, I'm laughing Jack." He chuckled and extended a hand to her. She looked at his claws and smiled sweetly. "I'm Y/n." She replied. "Coke on lets hang these balloons on the stair railing over there." I said glaring at both of them and dragging her along. "It was nice meeting you!" She called to them and waved as I pulled her along.

We tapped down the balloons to the banister. "They seem ni-" I cut her off. "They're not nice, they're killers and they're players." I scolded. She looked over at me with a smirk. "And you aren't?" He teased. I walked over to her. "No, I'm a killer but not a player." I explained. "Jeff, E-EJ is p-p-putting kidneys w-with the sandwiches." Toby said poking his head out of the living room door way. I sighed frustrated. "God damn it I'll be right there." I huffed. A knock came from the door making me turn in that direction. "I'll take care of EJ." Y/n announced with am smile. "Thanks." I managed a smile back to her and headed for the door. I opened it wide enough to see a shade with horns. "Zalgo..." I greeted unenthusiastically. "Evening simple slave." He said entering the house. "If I've said it over a thousand times, I'll say it a thousand more. I. Am. Not. A. Slave." I said irritated through clinched teeth. Zalgo wave me off and walked into the kitchen to talk with slender. It wasn't long before he walked back out and into the living room. "I smell a mortal." He half mumbled to himself. I darted from the front door passed Zalgo and into the living room before he could. There dark link was leaning on one of the display tables admiring Y/n. "So you like living here?" He asked. Y/n shrugged. "It has it's good and bad days." She chuckled. I clinched my jaw. "Stop flirting we have work today, in case you haven't notice the party isn't ready and-" I was cut off by Zalgo pushing me aside and walking straight up to Y/n. "These animals act like they haven't seen a girl in forever!" I thought to myself crossing my arms. "Good evening mortal, I am Zalgo...lord Zalgo." He introduced himself, I knew he was trying to impress her. She smiled slightly. "It's wonderful to met you, my name is Y/n." She said extending Er hand to shake it. He gently kisses the top f her hand making her blush lightly. "Alright, don't you have other people to talk to? Here, choke on a sandwich." I glared at both Zalgo and dark link. I picked up the tray of sandwiches and offered some to each of them. "A sandwich does suit my fancy." Zalgo stated. Dark link reached for one. "Thanks." He mumbled. "Well...if I must." Zalgo implied as he reached for a sandwich. "You don't have to do shit." I said turning the tray away from his grasp. "It seems as though I'd only be satisfied if she feed me." He mocked a frown and looked to Y/n. She took a small step closer to me and I had this reaction to make myself more protective. "Looks like your gonna have to starve because that's not happening." I stated and gripping her arm above her elbow and led her to the couch. Ben was sitting on one side playing his 3DS. "Called it." Ben referred to what he said earlier. "Shut up." I growled. Y/n nervously looked around as she sat beside me. "Relax would you?" I asked. She took a deep breath. "Is everyone always like this when they see a girl?" She asked. "Eh." I shrugged. "It's hard to say..." I begun. "They act like this because it's not everyday a mortal girl moves in, in such a convenient place from them to be in the same room as." I explained best I could. She gave a confused look before nodding. "I see." She mumbled. "You're very pretty too..." I mumbled and blushed. She blushed and chuckled. "Jeffrey am I gonna have to have you go sit with them?" She teased. I forced a chuckle and shook my head awkwardly rubbing the back of my neck. "You'd send me away so easily like that?" I half frowned. She was quiet for a minute. "No, I wouldn't. I just figured you told me that to make me feel better or something." She shrugged. I laughed nudged her with my shoulder. "You're so weird." I mocked her. She stuck her tongue out at me. "Not as weird as you." She replied. I just smiled at her. "I have an idea of what I'm gonna do to keep her attention on me..." I smile slightly to myself and feel my heart bound just thinking about it.

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