Meeting The Others ~Pearl~

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(Such a sad pic! I found this on Deviantart so yeah that artist is awesome! P.S. No POV)

You cooed softly in Pearl's arms as she walked back to the Temple. She slowly walked up the steps and her hand was almost at the doorknob when it was opened by Garnet. Pearl jumped back in surprise and Amethyst launched herself onto Pearl's waist. Pearl quietly yelped in surprise and you were thrown, and you landed softly in Garnet's arms.

"AMETHYST!", Pearl hissed quietly looking down at the small gem in surprise.

"You had us scarred to death P!", Amethyst said looking up at her, Pearl blushed and looked up at Garnet.

"You have a baby.", She said looking at you, you starred at her visor, you could see your reflection.

"Yes. I found her in a tree.", Pearl said with a derpy expression, Amethyst snickered.

"It's true! There was a box wedged in a tree and she was inside!", Pearl quietly screamed at her.

"Garnet.", Pearl said looking from Amethyst to the taller gem. "I want to take care of this child.", Pearl said with a stern face.

"Are you up for this Pearl? Are you sure you can take care of her and still help out on missions?", Garnet asked looking at Pearl.

"Yes.", Pearl replied nodding and smiling slightly.

"Then you can take care of this child.", Garnet said smiling an handing you to Pearl.

"Oh wow P!", Amethyst said quietly look at you. "She's adorable!", She quietly screamed.

"That's exactly what I said.", Pearl said smiling down at you.

"Uh we should probably go get her some stuff so we can actually keep her alive.", Amethyst said playing with your little hands, you giggle.

"Right.", Pearl said moving towards the stairs, she stops when a hand is placed on her shoulder.

"No Pearl. You stay here while I take Amethyst. It will give you some time to put her to bed.", Garnet said lightly rubbing your (h/l) (h/c) hair.

"Oh uh ok. Thanks Garnet!", Pearl said smiling at Garnet who smiled back and nodded.

"Waaaaaaaiiiit!", Amethyst groaned looking at you.

"What's the matter Amethyst?", Pearl asked slightly annoyed.

"What's her name?", Amethyst said looking at you.

"(Y/n).", Pearl replied, Amethyst smiled.

"It's nice. Now let's go Amethyst.", Garnet said taking ahold of her and walking off.

"P! It awesome!", Amethyst whispered as they walked down the stairs.

"Yes. Yes it is.", Pearl said quietly as she walked inside with you, gently rocking you until you fell asleep.

"Just like when Steven was little.", She whispered as she sat down on the couch, your tiny sleeping form snuggled into her chest.

"Yep......", Pearl said as she fell asleep leaning against the wall, setting on the couch.

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