Guys This Is Important!

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Okay guys! I'm alive don't worry! Sorry I didn't update for so long! I've been busy and stuff but I'm back now and I will update soon! Also hope you enjoy the picture haha! Also I must address something extremely important. I would like to ask all of you reading this to not watch the episode leaks that are out. Now if you already have (and I have too so don't feel bad) I would love it if you all watched the episodes when they air where you are as well. I understand that as fans we love to watch new episodes as soon as we can but we also need to support our favorite shows by watching them when they air even if we've already watched the online leaks. I'm only asking so you don't have to but it would be wonderful if you could watch the episodes when they air. Thank you all for all the follows, likes, and views by the way. The next chapters will be out sometime tonight or tomorrow depending on what happens. Peace!

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