When They Fix Your Gem ~Amethyst~

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You awoke to your mom shaking you. You looked up at her. She looked worried.

"M-mom?" You say as you look at her.

"(Y/n)! Are you ok what happened?!" She asked worriedly.

"I-"An intense pain came from your gem.

You grabbed your gem and held it tightly. Your mom looked at you and then your gem. She quickly picked you up and ran to the WarpPad. She warped you both the Rose's Fountain. She ran and put you inside. Your gem healed and you climbed out.

"Are you alright now?" She asked.


"What happened."

"I just had some trouble in town..."


You sigh and begin to explain it to her.

(I'm gonna end it here because I'm not that creative right now and I'm thinking about a writing assignment for a class that's due next week and I need to get it done.)

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