When You Get Asked Out ~Steven~

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(I know my thing is all messed up. Here is yesterday's chapter)

You ran through the city playing games with (bf/n). You two ran across the boardwalk, you falling behind because (bf/n) is way faster. You kept running, trying to catch up. You accidentally ran into someone, falling backwards. You felt someone grab your hand, keeping you from hitting the ground. You look up at them.

"Are you alright?" He/she asked.

"Yeah. Sorry for running into you. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." You say as you stand.

"It's ok. I wasn't really paying attention either." He/she smiled.

You smiled and you two began talking.

"Oh. Dang I have to go. Maybe we could...hang out later?" He/she asked as they pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to you.

"Yes! Yes definitely!" You say excitedly.

"Ok! See you around!" He/she smiled and ran off.

(Bf/n) ran over to you.

"(Y/N)!" (Bf/n) yelled, making you jump.

"Oh. Hey. You surprised me." You turned to (bf/n).

"Where did you go?"

"I...got asked out. I think." You say looking down at the paper.

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