When They Try To Make You Feel Better ~Amethyst~

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(Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been stayin up late and sleepin in and role playing and watching anime and shopping for my siblings and junk but anyway on with the chapter!)

You look around. This place was just all rock. Large shadows loomed over you. Many from the rocks that were randomly scattered but others were from tall metal things. They looked like.....you didn't even know. Spiders? They don't really look like spiders do they. Anyway there were there. You stood up and looked around.

"What is this place?" You mutter to yourself.

A loud shrieking sound interrupts your everything. You turn and see a large multicolored creature with random appendages sticking out in random places. You could see it's gem. It looked so odd. This creature was terrifying. You took a step back and I studied you.

"W-What is that thing?!" You think to yourself in fear.

The creature lunged at you. You turn away in fear. It never got to you. You turn and see it's gem lying on the ground. Your mom ran over to you.

"(Y/n)! Are you ok?!" She asked worriedly.

"I'm ok. What was that?" You asked.

"I'll explain later. Let's just go home before more show up." She said as she grabbed your arm and walked you home.

(Sorry it's short. My creativity is on a low cause I'm not around SlenderShake and my other school peeps.)

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