Your First Words ~Amethyst~

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Amethyst, as usual, was raiding the fridge. You sat on the ground and played with some toys. Garnet walked in and over to Amethyst.

"You need to see this." She said and Amethyst out the food back.

"Ok." She shut the door and grabbed you.

Garnet walked back and opened the temple door. She walked in and Amethyst followed with you in her arms. Garnet peered into Pearl's room, you and Amethyst did the same.

"Sugar! Yes please! Won't you come and pour it down on me?!" Pearl was dancing around and singing, Garnet and Amethyst started to laugh.

"I'm right- uh....I WAS JUST..." Pearl blushed brightly and stopped.

Garnet and Amethyst started to laugh. You smile.

"O-oh man Pearl! You still can't sing." Amethyst said thinking of when they had first met Greg, Garnet laughed harder.

"I CAN SING!" She yelled.

"N-no you can't." You say.

Everyone looked at you. Amethyst burst out laughing and so did Garnet. Pearl blushed harder.

"Oh my god! She just said her first words and they were the best words ever!" Amethyst said between laughs.

Garnet continued to laugh. "That was wonderful!"

You smile.

(I was actually thinking of making you say shut up Pearl lol. But no. Pearls awesome. Just wanted to make a good chappy.)

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