When You Get Bullied ~Pearl~

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(Your again about 9 in this one)

You walk out of the Beach City Public Library clutching your newest book. You had recently gotten into the series. You walk down the steps and start humming this song that you were obsessed with. You glance down at the cover. You smile at your beautiful book. You walk past the school building to see some kids playing. You walk over to the gate and watch them. A boy kicks a ball and if flies over the gate. You try to catch it but you miss. It hits you in the face and you fall back onto the ground. A girl runs over and opens the gate. She looked like the snotty rich girl that every town has. She threw the ball back to the boy and closed the gate so nobody would see you.

"You look like a dork!" She said pointing to your (f/c) dress.

"Why aren't you in school?" She said in her snotty voice, you look to your book.

"I-I don't go to school." You say looking up at her.

"What are you homeschooled or something?" She asked smiling.

"No. I just sit at home and read." You say reaching for your book.

"So your stupid! Ha! Stupid girl in an ugly dress roaming around Beach City! I bet you just live in a box!", she says laughing loudly.

"I do not! I live in the temple by the ocean with my mom! She's a Crystal Gem!", You say loudly, she snorts.

"Yes and I'm sure that it's true!" She said kicking your book into a puddle.

"Hey!" You yell pushing her and grabbing your book.

"Oh you little piece if trash!" She said pushing you into the puddle.

"My book!" You say seeing that it was now disgusting.

"That's what you get!" She says, you try to slap her.

"Oh now you've done it!" She said placing a foot on your chest and holding your arm.

"Let.....go.....of.....me!" You say trying to pull away, she takes her free hand and dregs her long fingernails down your arm.

"STOP! THAT HURTS!" You yell as your arm starts to bleed.

"Make me!" She says as she continues to scratch you.

"Fine then!" You scream and punch her in the face.

"Why you little!" She kicks you in the mouth, making your mouth and nose bleed.

"Ow!" You scream and you start to kick every inch of her.

"MY WRIST!!" She screams as loud as she can.

"Oh no!" You yell jumping to your feet and grabbing your book.

"What's going on? Why are your over here- oh my gosh you are you ok?! Did she hurt you! Hey kid get back here!" The teacher yelled as you ran back to the temple.

You fall several times. You tear your dress and loose your shoes. Your crying as your arm, nose, and mouth bleed. You run up the temple steps and into your room, right past everyone. Pearl ran into your room.

"(Y/n) what's wro- OH MY GOODNESS!" Pearl yelled seeing how hurt you were.

"Hi mom...." You say setting on your bed.

"I'll be right back!" Pearl yelled as she ran out of your room and ran back in with a wet towel.

"Owch!" You yelped as Pearl put the rag on your arm.

"I'm sorry!" Pearl said moving it away.

"It's ok." You say, tears silently streaming down your dirty face.

"What happened to you?" Pearl asked as she put bandages on your arms and started to clean your face.

"I went to go get another book from the library and I walked past the school. There were some kids playing so I decided to watch. I got hit by a ball and fell down. Then this girl came out and got the ball. She threw it back and looked down at me. She began to be rude to me. She called me stupid and ugly and made fun of my dress. She asked if I went to school and I said no then she asked if I was homeschooled and I said no. She said that I must live in a box. I told her that I lived her with you and the others. She kicked my book into a puddle so I pushed her so I could get my book. She pushed me into the puddle. I tried to slap her but she grabbed me arm and put her foot on my chest. She pressed down and started to scratch my arm with her fingernails. I punched her so she would stop but she kicked me in the face. I started to kick her everywhere I could reach and then I hurt her wrist. She yelled and a teacher came out. I got up an ran as fast as I could. I ripped my dress and lost my shoes!" You finish and begin to sob.

"Oh (y/n) don't cry! It's ok! You were just defending yourself and that's ok!" She said pulling you into a hug and rubbing your back, you sobbed into her chest.

"M-mom." You say looking up at her.

"Yes?" She says looking down at you.

"She ruined the library book." You say still crying.

"It's ok. I can pay for it." Pearl said hugging you.

"Thanks mom." You say into her chest.

"It's no problem. And (y/n)." Pearl says to you, you look up.

"I think your finally ready for missions." She says smiling, you gasp and hug her.

(Some of the stuff in the chapter happened to me. I couldn't think of anything so I improvised with stuff from my life. Yeah so I hope you like it.)

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