When You Get Bullied ~Garnet~

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(Your about 9 in this one!)

You were walking on the beach. Your mom had let you go out and enjoy the day while she, Amethyst, Pearl and Steven took care of some gem stuff. You kick a rock into the water. Just because were a human didn't mean that you couldn't help. You look down as start walking again. About a minute later you bump into something and fall backwards into the sand.

"Ow." You said looking up, there was a rather large boy in front of you.

"Watch where your going stupid kid!" He said glaring down at you.

You stood up, you had never met a kid like this one. But your mom and Steven said that sometimes you can encounter bullies. Even in space. You kept you cool and looked up at him.

"Hmmm I wonder weather your more like Peridot or Jasper......hmmmm yep Jasper." You say smirking, his eyes widen, he picks you up by your shirt collar.

"And what does that mean?" He said getting into your face.

"It means that you big and buff. But you also have a walnut sized brain and can be easily beaten." You say back smiling.

He growled and raised a hand. He slapped you across the face. Your face stung but you didn't do anything. He started to punch you where ever he could. He hit your face and your arms. He dropped you kicked you in the stomach. You groan in pain but don't fall over. You couldn't really breath to well. You gasped for air as your vision blurred. He then grabbed you by the hair and dragged you through the sand. He drags you into the water and pushes your head under. He brings you back up and you gasp and start coughing. He repeats the cycle over and over. You could feel darkness pulling you in.

"This is it. I'm going to be killed by this huge kid." You think to yourself when he suddenly let's go of you.

You hear the kid run away screaming. Someone picked you up. You groaned and closed you eyes. You can feel the person walking. You hear the slamming of the screen door and three different screams.

"What happened to her?"

"Is she ok?!"


You open your eyes slightly to see Pearl, Amethyst, and Steven looking at you. You we're guessing that it was your mom holding you.

"M-mom?" You asked softly.

Garnet's face appears over you. She didn't look to happy. She sat you down on the couch. Pearl, Amethyst, and Steven sat down by you. Garnet walked into the kitchen and grabbed a first aid kit.

"(Y/n) what happened?", Steven asked looking at you.

You looked at them all. "This kid started to hit me." You say quietly, pearl's eyes widened.

"Who was it! I swear to god I will hunt them down at teach them a lesson!" Amethyst said making a fist and punching it into her other hand.

"I'm not sure." You reply, Garnet started to attend to your wounds.

"So what happened?" Pearl asked quietly.

"Well I was walking on the beach, not really paying attention to anything, when I walk into the hug kid. He calls me stupid I call him Jasper, words we're exchanged and then he started to slap and punch me. Then he kicked me in the stomach and drug me into the ocean where he tried to drown me. And that's when mom showed up in guessing?" You say looking up at Garnet.

"Yes." She said nodding, she placed bandages over all your cuts.

"I'm glad you did. I almost died." You said smiling.

"Me too." Garnet said, finishing up and putting the first aid kit away.

"Dude! You seriously are a legend!" Steven said with stars in his eyes. "You are so cool!"

"Thanks Steven." You say ruffling his hair, Garnet smiled and picked you up.

"Mom?" You say as she walked into your room and closed the door.

"Yeah (y/n)?" She said looking down at you.

"How did you know I was in trouble?" You asked quietly, Garnet placed you on your bed and sat on the edge by your feet.

"I have a sort of....future vision." She said smiling.

"Wow cool." You say smiling back.

"I'm proud of you. Normally human children would scream and run away or cry like that boy did when I showed up." You laughed. "But you held your ground. You almost died but you held your ground. And for that I'm going to reward you." She said smiling, you smiled.

"Wow really?" You said excitedly.

"You can come on missions with us now (Y/n)." She said smiling, you gasped and hugged her.

"Thanks mom!"

(Man this took quiet a while! E!)

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