When You Get Seriously Hurt ~Garnet~

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(Your 12 in dis tang! Also some mild gore in these things.)

You and your best friend (b/f) were running around the beach. Your mom and the others were inside the temple. You laugh and run around. She laughs and you run over by some large rocks. You trip on some trash in the sand as smack the side of your head on the rock making everything go black. Minutes later everyone is crowded around you. Your head hurt so much.

"(Y/n)! Thank goodness your awake! Steven ran to get Greg. He's coming back with his van, we're taking you to the hospital!" Pearl said looking at you, it looked like she had been flipping out.

Amethyst was next to you with (b/f). (B/f) looked like she had been crying. Amethyst looked almost the same as Pearl did. (B/f) looked at you with tears in her eyes. You put a hand on her shoulder.

"I-I ran to get your mom and the gems when I saw you were bleeding." (B/f) said a few tears streaming down her face.

"Don't cry (b/f)." You say as Greg pulls up in his van.

"WE'RE BACK!" Steven yelled jumping out of the van, Greg did the same, they ran over to you.

"Ok the get her.....ohhhhh man that's a lot of blood!" Greg said looking at the side of your head, Pearl lifted you up.

"We know! Now let's go!" She said but Steven stopped her.

"Wait where's Garnet?" He asked, you looked around.

"Yeah. Where is she Pearl?" You ask, she looked at you.

"She had to go on a mission before this happened. She'll be back soon. Amethyst stay here with (b/f). Let's go!" Pearl said running over and jumping into the back of Greg's van and laying you down.

"Ok this is going to be bumpy!" Greg said back to you, Pearl nodded and Greg drove onto the road.

-le time skip-

Pearl and Greg rush you into the hospital, Steven following behind.

"Get this girl a stretcher!" A nurse yelled, some doctors came in and took you away. Just as two small gems run in.

-another le time skip-

You wake up a bit later in a hospital bed. Pearl and Steven were setting by you, you smile.

"Hey your awake!" Steven said and Pearl smiled.

"How ya feeling?" She asked, you smile.

"Good." A loud crash came from outside.

"COME ON RUBY CALM DOWN!" You hear Amethyst yell, Pearl sighed.

"Who's Ruby?" You ask, a cracking sound came from the same room.

"SAPPHIRE! Are you ok?!" Your eyes widen.

"What's going on?" You ask, you hear the sounds of reconciling going on in the other room.

"We're back Pearl." A small red gem said walking in with a blue gem if the same height.

"Sorry we're late." The blue gem said as she walked over to your bed.

"Are you ok (y/n)?" The red gem asked, you nod.

"We're so sorry we weren't there to help. We panicked." The red gem said.

"Hi Ruby! Hi Sapphire!" Steven said hugging them, they hug back.

"Hi Steven." Ruby said.

"Hello Steven." Sapphire smiled.

The two glowed brightly and fused into Garnet. You eyes widen. Garnet sets down by you.

"Mom?" You ask.

"Yes?" She replies.

"Your a fusion?" You say with wide eyes, she nods.

"That's awesome!" You say with a smile, Garnet smiled and hugged you.

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