When You Get Seriously Hurt ~Amethyst~

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You had decided to for a walk with your mom and the gems. Steven was getting smiles and waves from the towns people. He was such a popular person. You smile and your mom nudges you with her elbow and points at an alley. You look and see a random hobo munching on a chicken leg. You start to laugh and so does your mom. Suddenly a man with a gun runs into the alley.

"Gimme dat chacken leg you filtha hobo!" The man screamed pointing the fun at the man.

Them gems don't hear or see it so you and your mom decide to take action. The two of you run to the alley. You mom pounces at the man but he moves. He points the gun at your mom. You jump on to him but he throws you off. You could obviously tell he was drunk. You stumble back and fall in the middle of the street. You see a car coming and you try to move out of the way but you can't move in time. You feel the car hit your body and everything goes black.

-le time skip-

Your eyes open and you look around. It was pretty hard because the lights were off but you could see some stuff from the moonlight mingled with the city lights coming through the window. You close your eyes again but hear a faint snoring sound. You open your eyes and turn to see your mom and the gems. Steven was sleeping in Garnets hair. (Lol.) Pearl was setting in and chair and your mom was silently pacing in front of them.

"Amethyst coma down it's going to be ok." Pearl said quietly trying to sooth her.

"How is it going to be ok?!" Amethyst quietly shouted back.

Pearl looked down and didn't respond. Garnet was silent for a bit before she spoke.

"Amethyst. The doctors said that she would be fine. You don't need to worry so much." Garnet said quietly.

"How can I not worry?! She was hit by a car!" Amethyst whisper/shouted back.

The two looked at her. You could tell that she was crying. Garnet and Pearl looked at each other. Amethyst looked down.

"It's my fault too. We should have done this as a team but we ran off without saying anything. I'm such a bad mom." Amethyst said still looking down.

Pearl's eyes widened. She pulled Amethyst into a hug and shook her head.

"This was not your fault Amethyst. The police caught that drunken idiot and put him in jail. (Y/n) is going to be ok. Your not a bad mom." Pearl said rubbing her back.

"Pearl's right mom." You say setting up.

They all look at you with wide eyes. Amethyst pulls away from Pearl and looked at you. Steven continues to sleep.

"Your not a bad mom. Your the best mom ever." You say smiling.

Amethyst walked over and hugged you tightly. You hug her back. You can tell she's still crying and you look at her. She smiles.

"I'm so glad your ok!" She said and you smile.

"I love you mom." You say and she smiles more.

"I love you too (y/n)."

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