When You Find Out You're Adopted ~Garnet~

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You had been playing outside in the snow all day. A large snow storm had come into Beach City and had given you a day to frolic in the snow. You roll around in the cold white fluff until you're not even visible. You hear voices and look up a bit. You saw your mom and Pearl on the porch.

"So.....when are you going to tell her?"

"I don't know. I have to wait for the right time."

"You should just do it now. I mean it's not going to be any different than any other time right?"

"How would you even know how this works Pearl?!" You watch as they argue back and forth.

"I don't know! But if I had a daughter I would at least tell her she was adopted!" Pearl yelled back.

Your eyes widened. Adopted?! You sit there until they walk inside.

"I'm a-adopted.....why didn't she tell me?!" Warm tears streamed down your face. You sit up and wipe the snow out of your face and off your body. You start running. Well walking since the snow was up to your knees and it was hard to run. After a while the temple was out of sight and you were in the woods. It had gotten colder and started to snow again. The sun was going down. You look around.

"Where a-am I?" You asked aloud.

Your coat and snow pants weren't keeping you warm anymore. You sit in the snow and wrap your arms around yourself. You close your eyes and drift off the sleep.

(Don't worry my children I will make a chapter where they try to find ya and shizz. Sorry for the late chapter.)

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