When They Try To Make You Feel Better ~Garnet~

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I walk outside to find (Y/n). I see  where she had begun to make a snowman. I look around for her. I couldn't see her.

"(Y/n)?!" I call for her, no reply.

I notice her footprints in the snow.....leading away from the temple. My eyes widen. She had overheard Pearl and I's argument. I run into the house. Pearl was cleaning.

"PEARL!" I yelled as I pinned her to a wall forcefully.

Her eyes widen as she look up at me. "Y-yes, Garnet?"

"WHY DID YOU SCREAM SO LOUDLY?! (Y/N) HEARD YOU AND RAN OFF!" I screamed angrily at her.


"YEAH!" I yelled as Amethyst and Steven walked in.

"You two. Come with me. Pearl," I turn back and look at her angrily. "You stay here." I walked to the door and outside.

Steven and Amethyst followed me and I followed (Y/n)'s footprints into the woods. I look around. Amethyst and Steven do the same.

"Spread out and search." I command as I walk in a random direction.


I run off in to my right in search of (Y/n). It starts to snow heavily. So. Hard. To. SEE! I trip over something and look at it. It was (Y/n)! I quickly sit up and look at her. She was covered in snow and her skin was a pale color. I shake her and nothing happened.

"(Y/n)! Oh please don't be dead!" I say as I keep shaking her.

"GARNET! AMETHYST! I FOUND HER!" I yelled loudly.


I hear Steven's yelled and run towards them. I grab Amethyst and run faster. I see Steven and drop Amethyst into the snow. I crouch by him and (Y/n).

"Garnet, is she ok?!" He asked worriedly.

I touched her cold skin. I seriously don't want to try to see. She could be dead. I look into Steven's eyes and check anyway. She was alive.

"She's alive." I say as I pick her up and do the same with Steven.

"Let's go Amethyst." I say as I run back to the temple, she follows.


I open my eyes a bit. Moving shadows and shapes meet my vision and make my head pound. I close my eyes again. It's so cold out. I feel someone tighten their grip on my body. I open my eyes a bit again. I can faintly see my 'mom' and Steven. They place me in my bed with blankets and junk. Steven leaves and my mom sits there by my bed. I pretend to be asleep and turn my head away from her. I lay like that until I actually fall asleep again.

(You don't really wanna talk to Garnet right now....don't worry it'll be ok.)

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