When You Are Sick ~Pearl~

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You lay back in your bed. You hadn't really slept at all last night and your throat was killing you. You sigh and close your eyes. Your mom walked in and over to you.

"(Y/n) it's time to get up." She says and you moan and shake your head.

"What's wrong?" She asked and you open your eyes.

"My throat hurts." You say quietly.

"Oh." Pearl said setting down by you.

You nods and close your eyes again. Pearl pull a thermometer out of her gem. You know what she was doing so you open our mouth. Pearl placed the thermometer into your mouth. After about a minute Pearl takes it out.

"You have a fever." She said putting the thermometer into her gem.

You groan and look up at the ceiling. You weren't a fan of being sick. To much went on around the temple and you hated not being around for it. Pearl knew how you felt. She laid by you and stroked your (h/c) hair. You smile.

"I'm glad your my mom." You say softly to her.

"I'm glad your my daughter." She replied and you smile.

Pearl continued to stroke your hair and you begin to doze. You doze on and off for hours. Pearl was always right there next to you when you woke up. You finally drift off into a dreamless sleep. It was bliss. You sleep for a few hours and wake up. Then you go back to sleep. Pearl watched you with a smile on her face. You were glad she was there.

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