Chapter 6

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I follow Josh to the couch and he plops down so I sit next to him. "Sooooo.....whatcha wanna do?!" he asks. "Hmm, I don't really care. I'm down for whatever!" I say. "....what if we went to Wal-Mart and got ingredients for milkshakes?!" he asks, excitedly. "Okay sure!" I say.

I follow him to his car and get in. He said it'll take a while to get there since he lives farther away. He hands me the aux chord and I look at him, puzzled. "Play what you want!" he says. I laugh a little and start playing "guns for hands" 4 seconds into the song he looks at me. "WHAT THE HECK?!?!??!?!" his face has a huge smile on it. "Haha yup! I had no clue about Tyler being my brother. You guys have saved my life and I never thought I'd meet you guys and be able to thank you. So thank you!"

He looks over to me. "Oh. Well you're welcome. Why didn't you say anything sooner?" he asks. "I didn't want to be like a crazy fangirl and scare you" I say, letting out a little laugh.

We talked a little bit more about his tattoos and life and things. When we get there we hop out and walk through the parking lot. "Now remember. If anyone notices us, just say you're my cousin and I'm babysitting you." he says looking down at me. I look up and nod. The Sun hits his red hair just right and it makes it look awesome.

We walk through the doors and head towards the ice cream. We both decide on chocolate brownie and grab a container. As we start to walk towards the check out, josh stops. I look up with a puzzled look on my face. "We obviously can't have a milkshake without whipped cream! Gosh what were we thinking!" I laugh and we get the whipped cream.

After we finish checking out, we walk towards the car. I play "irresistible" by fall out boy. We roll down the windows and crank the music. The Sun shines down on us and has a nice warm glow. Josh is singing from the top of his lungs and has an arm out the window. Our hair is all messy from the wind, but we don't mind.

When we get inside the house, I follow him towards the kitchen. His mom is standing there baking something and his dad is reading the paper on the couch. "Oh hi honey. Were back from lunch!" she says, smiling. Josh hugs her and kisses her cheeck. "Oh! Who's this?" she asks, waving. "Ya know how I told you about Tyler's little sister? Here she is! He's actually filling out paper work right now to adopt her! So he thought it'd be fun is we hung out!" he smiles And puts an arm around my shoulder. "That's great! Were excited to meet you! Oh! I'm baking an Apple pie if you guys want some! It'll be ready in about 20 minutes!" she smiles.

We decide to make the milkshakes; despite the fact that there's a pie in the oven. As Josh put it: "the more food the better!" We sit on the back porch with our milkshakes and slices of pie. He takes a sip and looks over at me. "Ya know? I'm really glad Tyler and Jenna are adopting you. Its like I'm getting a little sister as well!" he looks at the sky. I smile. I finally feel happy for the first time in months.

Adopted by Tyler Joseph, Jenna Joseph and Josh DunWhere stories live. Discover now