Chapter 30

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The next day we arrive home. I go to my room and decide to nap. It's been an exhausting weekend.

I wake up around four from my nap. I sit up and smooth my hair down and walk to the kitchen and pour myself water. Everyone else is still napping so I go onto the balcony and write about my weekend.

I go back inside and sit on my bed, with my back against the wall and my feet dangling off the side of the bed, listening to irresistible by fall out boy. My door opens and Tyler and Josh walk in. "Where's Jenna?" I ask. "She's still napping. She's pretty exhausted from the trip." Tyler says, smiling. I shut my music off.

They sit on either side of me, and stare across the room like I'm doing. I bring my knees up to my chest and try to become as small as possible. "Its alright. We're not gonna do anything. We just wanted to see how you're doing since" Tyler pauses for a moment, and then continues, "since,......ya know. And want to make sure you're okay."

I nod, understanding what he means. I leave a moment of silence, his questions still hanging in the air, and ringing in my ears. "I-I'm doing o-okay I guess. I don't really know. I still have dreams about it. A-and I'm still scared of people. I don't know. I-I'm sorry" I say.

"Why are you sorry? There's nothing to be sorry about." Josh says. "I don't know. I guess b-because I didn't give you the answer you wanted to hear." I say, quietly. "Noooo, Y/N, that's not true. We weren't expecting you to be fine and dandy. We know it's gotta be hard. But we're here, okay?" Tyler says, looking over to me. I nod.

Tyler slowly puts an arm around me and gently rubs my shoulder. I tense a little, flinching, but I relax and lean over to him, resting my head on his shoulder. "Hey! I have an idea. Me and Zach used to do this all the time! We used to explore the back yard! It sounds stupid, but it's really fun!" Tyler says.

We walk in the backyard, through the giant trees. Branches slap my arms and legs, and I push through them. Josh seems to see something and starts to run. We follow him until we see train tracks, surrounded by trees.

He balances on the railing, walking. I get on one of the rails too, and Tyler walks next to me.

I eventually lose my balance and fall off, but Tyler catches me. We keep walking until we find a bridge that the train tracks run along, over water.

We slide down the slope of rocks to the bottom, and look up. We're probably sixty feet down, and if someone fell off the bridge, they'd die. Tyler walks over to the flowing water that dances over rocks. He picks up a rock and skips it across the water.

He walks to the giant pillars that hold up the bridge and places a foot on a wooden strip, and climbs to a plank that runs across the whole thing, over the water. I follow him and climb too, looking down, but wishing I hadn't. "Uuuuh, Tyler. I really don't want to do this" Josh speaks up, from below us. "Just wait there!" Tyler yells back. I slowly inch my way across it, and get off at the other side with Tyler.

We walk back on the tracks and through the backyard, to the house. Jenna is making dinner, and we all play a board game while we wait. Tyler says we're going to church in the morning, so I lay out clothes.

During dinner, Tyler speaks up. "I completely forgot, but the fourth of July is totally next weekend!! We should make plans" Tyler says, smiling. He talks about how he loves the fireworks and the holiday.

After dinner I shower and fall asleep listening to music.

Adopted by Tyler Joseph, Jenna Joseph and Josh DunWhere stories live. Discover now