Chapter 36

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That night I go to bed with a smile on my face and Martha laying on my bed, curled in a ball. I stroke her soft fur and we both get sleepy, and fall asleep.

**time hop to Monday**

Its been a great day. I played with Martha outside and me and Josh played board games earlier.

I sit down at the table and look at the tacos in front of me. Josh prays and we all start eating. Tyler talks about upcoming concerts and the label. Josh mentions that a fan commented on his photo, thanking him for saving their life.

I smile. They saved my life too. I love them. I'm so glad I found them. We finish our tacos and I help Jenna wash and dry the dishes. I dry a white plate and look at my reflection in it.

I place it in the cabinet and dry my hands. I walk into my room and grab my speaker, phone, clothes and a towel. I walk across the hall and place my speaker on the bathroom counter, turning my music on.

'Drive' by Halsey comes on. I step into the shower, water hitting my back. I finish showering and step out, humming along to '20 Dollar Nose Bleed' by Fall Out Boy.

I kiss the boys and Jenna goodnight and climb into bed. I fall asleep next to Martha, whose barking in her sleep.

I look into the mirror. My lip is black and blue, along with my cheek. I turn around and look down, to see I'm standing on cement. I look at my wrists to see a long red line running across each of them. The lines are bleeding.

Now Tyler is holding my wrists. "No. What has happened? What did you do to yourself?" He asks in a quiet whisper, looking at them. I dont remember how I got the lines.

I see him walk away and follow him. Suddenly I see Tyler, and now he's on the edge of a building. There's a dark shadow next to him. Its tall. I walk closer and hear it's speaking to him.

"Jump. Just do it already. Jump. Say goodbye." It says, its voice deep and scary.

Tyler looks down. "NO! DONT DO IT!" I scream. I realize the shadow is trying to control him. I run up and shove the shadow, and it goes falling over the building. I look down into the night, not seeing the shadow anymore. Tyler seems fine now.

I sit up, breathing heavy. I look at my wrists; they're fine. I look around and everything is a little blurry. "Holy crap Y/N are you okay??" I see Josh next to me.

"Y-yeah. I-I just had a w-weird dream. S-sorry." I say, my voice shaking. I tell them about the dream and they reassure me that everything is okay. Josh stays with me though. I rest my head upon his shoulder. My eyes get heavy and my body grows weak and I fall asleep.


Authors note: hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. It was inspired by a dream I had recently that has been haunting the back of my mind and wanted to express it. If you have questions feel free to ask!! Leave comments below about thoughts of this fic and what you guys think will happen next! Have a great day! I love you all!!

Adopted by Tyler Joseph, Jenna Joseph and Josh DunWhere stories live. Discover now