Chapter 29

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The weekend rolls around. It's early Friday morning, and we're getting in the car to go to the concert. The Sun hasn't even rose yet. I'm decked out in tøp merch.

I get in the backseat with Josh and look out the window as the buildings and cars roll by. Jenna plays "cough syrup" by young the giant on the stereo.

I must have fallen asleep, because I wake up to Josh tapping my shoulder. I sit up quickly and see we are in a place that isn't too familiar.

"We're almost there!" Josh says, smiling and rubbing my shoulder. I nod and smile.

A little while later, we pull up to a huge building and pull around back. The building is lined with fans. As we park, fans surround the car. Michael tries to push them away, but there's a lot.

I look at Tyler, and he looks at me and his eyes widen. "Ty, there's a lot of people" I say, panicked. "Its okay, I'll take care of you" he says.

Josh gets out and pushes through the crowd to the back door. Jenna, Tyler and I get out, and the fans freak out. Tyler picks me up and walks to the door, with Jenna by our side.

We are greeted by an older woman, with a folder. "Hello! Welcome! You can follow me to the room you can put your stuff in!" she says. We follow her down a long hall with black walls and band posters plastered all over the walls.

We walk into a room with multiple couches, a TV, a floor length mirror and a table with a bunch of snacks.

The whole crew is sitting on the couches, on their phones or talking. They stand up and hug the boys. Mark turns to me. "This must be Tyler's little sister, Y/N!! It's so nice to meet you! What age are you?" he asks. "Its nice to meet you too! And I'm thirteen." I smile.

He leans in and starts to hug me, and I freeze in my tracks. Tyler winks at me. I hesitate and slowly lean in for a hug.

When we finish hugging, Tyler and Josh go to do sound check, and Jenna joins them. Tyler tells Michael to hang out with me while they're gone.

"So, I heard Tyler adopted you! It's so great to meet you! If you don't mind me asking, why did you get put up for adoption again?" he finally breaks the awkward silence, but the question makes it more awkward.

"Uh, my adopted parents, they uh, they abused me." I say, my hands getting sweaty and I pick at my blue nail polish. His frowns. "That's not cool. The sound like jerks. I'm super glad that Tyler adopted you. We won't hurt you." he says. I smile.

When it's time for the concert, me and Jenna go to the front of the crowd. We're surrounded by people, but we're all struggling with the same things, so it's peaceful.

A girl next to me turns and sees Jenna and me. "Oh my gosh!! You're Tyler's wife and little sister!! Can I get a photo?" she smiles. We nod and stand close to each other as she snaps the selfie. "You guys are gorgeous!! Its so nice to meet you!"

Suddenly heavydirtysoul starts playing and Tyler jumps off his piano. I cheer so loud.

After the concert, they go back go a room, where around fifty people are doing a meet and greet. They hug fans and take photos, and the fans hand them gifts.

After that we go back to the dressing room and they shower off. "Where should we get food?" Tyler asks the crew and Josh. Josh wiggles his eyebrows. "Taco bell!!!" he says, smiling.

We pull into the parking lot and I hop on Joshs back. We walk in and he orders for me and himself, then walks to a table and sets me down in a chair. We all sit around a few tables, filling the taco bell with tons of sweaty dudes and me and Jenna.

We get to the hotel and I get my own bed, Josh gets the other one and Mark takes the couch. The rest of the people are in different rooms.

Josh cleans my arms with the spray and wipes them down. They still itch, but they're starting to heal over. I'm used to Tyler doing it, but he's not around, so its weird having Josh do it.

He wipes my legs and I flinch, but he tells me to relax. When's he's done, I climb into bed and watch a cooking show while he brushs his teeth and gets around.

He hugs me and plants a kiss on My forehead and turns the light out.

Adopted by Tyler Joseph, Jenna Joseph and Josh DunWhere stories live. Discover now