Chapter 25

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GUYS SHOULD I KEEP CAMERON IN THE STORY OR NOT??? TELL ME IN THE COMMENTS. bc I don't want it to turn into a gross love fanfic
We walk to my hospital room and my legs get shaky. We get to the room and walk in. Tyler walks up and hugs me. "Whose this?" Tyler asks, looking at me and smiling. "Uh, this is Cameron. He was in the support group too" I say. I turn and walk to the bed, and Josh winks at me.

I roll my eyes and sit down, and scrub my face. "You okay?" Jenna asks. "Yeah, uh my legs are shaky so I sat down." I say.

She looks confused for a moment and then like a lightbulb turned on. "Probably because, ya know, you lost a lot of blood. That's why you're staying another night" she looks sad and tired. I nod and look down.

Cameron walks over and I gesture him to sit down. We sit crossed legged facing each other and play a card game called "speed." An hour later we both get hungry.

"I'll go get you guys food. Hospital food is gross" Josh says. While we wait, I give him an earbud and we listen to Bring Me The Horizon and Sleeping With Sirens.

Josh returns with taco bell and we dig in.
I sip my starburst slushie and eat my qeusorito. When were done, Cameron goes back to his room for the night.

Tyler and Jenna go home to get rest, even thought they didn't want to leave me. I made them because they need the sleep. Josh is sleeping on a cot at the foot of the bed, and he's snoring really loud.

I think about everything that's gone on in the past few days. Ally, the text, slashing my arms 57 times, and my legs 28 times. I shudder at the thought.

But for some reason tonight, I fall asleep quickly.
The next morning I wake up to Tyler and Josh laughing at something on Twitter, and Jenna sipping coffee. I get dressed in some clothes Jenna brought me. A gray hoodie and sweat pants. Tyler said they already filled out paper work and we can go home now.

The car ride is awkward and quiet. No one talks much. I stare out the window at the cars that pass. All these people have their own lives, own family, own thoughts that I will never know. The thought of that makes me anxious, so I push it out of my mind.

What am I supposed to do when I get home? How do I just go back to normal and pretend it didn't happen?

We finally roll into the driveway and I get out, shutting the door and follow everyone to the front door.

I decide to take a shower and then go to my room. I pull the journal out of the desk and walk to the balcony. I sit with my legs dangling in between the bars that hold up the banister, and start writing.

I fill up seven pages and then hear the door open. I ignore whoever it is and continue writing. They sit down next to me and I realize who it is, because the smell of fresh leaves and woods is a recognizable scent.

Tyler dangles his feet and looks out over the woods, taking a deep breath of fresh air.

I finally put down my journal and look out over the woods as well. "What do you want?" I ask, not in the mood to talk.

"I just want to ask why....why you did that?" he asks. I sigh. "Please just leave me alone, ok? You ask the same things and I don't want to talk to you....o-or anyone. Just leave me alone" I say, instantly regretting it.

He simply nods, and his eyes look sad. He stands up and walks back inside, slowing sliding the glass door shut behind him.

I scream from the top of my lungs. I wish I could take back the words. Hot tears streak my face and I grab my journal. I fill up probably twenty pages before I calm down. I take a deep breath and walk back inside, trying to find Tyler. I need to apologize. .

Josh is watching t.v. downstairs, but Tyler is no where to be found. Jenna is showering. I walk around the house trying to find him.

I walk onto the back porch and see Tyler sitting in a chair, looking out to the woods. I sit down next to him.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped. I'm just really tired. Will you forgive me?" I ask, hoping he will.

"It's okay. I understand. I'm sorry for bothering you with all the questions. I love you" we hug and sit there for a whole, looking out at the trees.

We eventually go in and eat lunch. It's awkwardly quiet but Josh talks about shows coming up. I think he's trying to break the silence.

After that, I go downstairs with Josh and we watch t.v. for a while. It distracts me from thoughts, and I appreciate that.

I decide to take a nap and get some rest.
And as I lay down, my thoughts are carried away by my sleepy eyes.

Adopted by Tyler Joseph, Jenna Joseph and Josh DunWhere stories live. Discover now