Chapter 38

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I wake up to someone tapping my shoulder. I sit up quickly, flinching a bit. "Please don't hurt me" I say quietly, before realizing it's just Josh. "Oh, sorry." I say, rubbing my eyes. Some days I'm not very scared of loud noises and sudden movements, but other days I'm petrified. I hate it.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you, M'love. Just trying to wake you up. We have to leave for church pretty soon." I nod and get out of bed, walking to the kitchen. Martha greets me along the way. I lean down to pet her and she licks my chin. I pat her on the head and stand back up, walking to the kitchen.

I poor myself a glass of ice water. "Hungry?" Tyler asks, looking over. I shake my head implying 'no' and walk back to my room to get around. I decide to wear black skinny jeans, a white shirt and a cranberry cardigan.

while I'm getting around, I jam out to Halsey. She's moved up to number two on my favorite bands list; Twenty One Pilots still remaining number one. While I'm pulling my cardigan onto my arms, I realize school starts tomorrow. I let out a sigh.

I understand why Tyler says that Sundays are his suicide days. It makes so much sense to me. My thoughts are interrupted by someone knocking on my door. I jump a bit. "Come in" I say. Tyler walks in. "Hey! I have something for you" He walks over. "Close your eyes and hold out your hands." He says.

I close my eyes and hold my hands out as directed. I feel something heavy being set on my hands. "Open your eyes" Tyler says, smiling. A black leather bible is laying in my hands. "It used to be mine, until I got a new one. I want you to have it" He says, smiling. "Tyler! thank you so much!"

I give him a tight quick hug. It's my first bible. Yeah, I believe in God, but my adopted parents didn't and they never took me to church or anything.

After church, we get home and I sit in my room on my bed, listening to music. Rain hits the glass balcony door and thunder interrupts my music. My door opens and I see Tyler standing there. I shut my music off. "Lunch is ready." Tyler says, smiling.

Thunder cracks and I jump a bit, hoping Tyler didn't notice. "I'm not really hungry" I say, yawning. Its not an actual yawn, more of an 'I'm trying to convince you I'm okay, when I'm not' yawn.

"You sure?" Tyler asks, furrowing his eyebrows. I nod and look down at my phone, scrolling through my Instagram feed. "Okaaayy" he says, not sounding convinced. He walks out and shuts the door behind him.

I sit there for a while, listening to the rain fall. I think about school starting tomorrow and sigh. Im so scared. Whenever I got bad grades when I was with my adopted family, they'd beat me. I shudder at the thought. After an hour or so, I decide to get up and get something to drink. As I open my door, I hear someone talking. Its Tyler. He seems to be in Josh's room.

*Tylers POV*

"Josh, I'm getting worried about her again. She's become extremely depressed again. She hasn't ate anything today and she's been really distant. We need to keep an eye on her. I don't want her getting any worse. I hate watching her like this." I say. I'm so concerned. I just want her to be okay.

Josh runs a hand through his red hair and scratches the back of his neck. "I know, I'm getting worried too. We need to help her get her mind off of things." He says, and then continues. "W-what if we put her in a sport or got her an instrument? Or both? It'd keep her mind off things." He suggests, looking up to me.

*Y/N's POV*

I hear Tyler say he's getting worried about me and then theres silence. I decide not to listen to the rest. I turn back around and hear Josh talking but I tune him out, closing my door.

Tyler kisses my forehead and walks out of my room, turning the light off and closing the door behind him. I slowly drift off into a peaceful sleep.
"Wake uuup!!! You have hour first day of school! Well, homeschool. But whatever." Tyler sits on the edge of my bed, smiling. I sit up, rubbing my eyes, as Jenna pops her head inside my room. "Morning sweetheart! Breakfast is almost ready!!" She walks back out, and Tyler isn't far behind.

I stumble out of bed, making my way to the doorway. I shuffle to the table and sit next to Josh; who is scrolling through something on his phone. I put my forearms on the table and rest my head on top of them, closing my eyes. Josh rubs my back. "Sleep well?" He asks. I shrug a bit. Tyler and Jenna set plates on the table and I sit back up.

"No better way to start the school year, but with crepes!" Tyler says, smiling.

We finish our ham and cheese crepes and I help carry the plates to the sink. I walk back to my room and dig through my dresser drawers until I find my Halsey Badlands shirt and a pair of ripped up, black skinny jeans. I pull them on and put socks on my feet.

I walk down the stairs and to the back room where Tyler is waiting for me with a stack of books. I sit at the basement table, and Tyler slides the stack of books over to me.

I take a deep breath.

THIS CHAPTER SUCKED IM SO SORRY. I'll try to update sooner next time! Ilygsm!

Adopted by Tyler Joseph, Jenna Joseph and Josh DunWhere stories live. Discover now