Chapter 11

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I end up coming home with 4 or 5 bags full of shoes and clothes. Tyler kept buying me things. "Jenna comes home tomorrow night!" Tyler says, setting his bags on the couch. "Really?! Oh my gosh! Yay I'm so excited to meet her? Will she like me?" I ask, excited but also nervous.

"She's extremely excited! She already loves you very much! She can't wait to meet you!" he says, smiling. The clock says "4:46pm". We shopped for a long time.

"Do you wanna go upstairs and help me make dinner? My family is still out somewhere. I don't know where though." Tyler says, walking over to me. "Uh, yeah sure!" I say.

Josh joins us as we walk up the stairs and into the kitchen. We play songs from the soundtrack of "Frozen". Turns out Josh and Tyler love that movie. We make pasta and garlic bread.

As We cook I can't help but think about Jenna. I'm scared she won't like me.

She is going to hate you. She doesn't care. You're just in her way. The last thing she wants is some kid in her way.

My brain screams thoughts at me.

"Y/N, whatcha thinking about?" my thoughts are interrupted by Tyler, looking over towards me, concerned.

"Oh, uh I don't know. Haha I'm tired." I say, hoping he doesn't know what I was thinking about. He raises he eyebrows as if he's asking a question. He mouths something, which seems to be "are you sure?" I Just look away.

"Do you wanna build a snowman" starts playing. "Oh this is my jam!" Josh says, letting out a little laugh. He takes me hand and we start dancing around the kitchen. He's one of the best "brothers" ever.

When the song is finished, Tyler announces that dinner is ready. We eat and I still think about Jenna. I'm still worried she won't like me. "Hey, you okay? You seem to have something on your mind." Josh looks concerned. "Uh, yeah, I'm fine. I'm just really tired." lying is easier than telling the truth sometimes.

After dinner I go downstairs and shower, then throw on a hoodie and shorts. I walk out to my bed and try to find some socks in my suitcase. When I finally feel some at the bottom of the suitcase, I pull them out. They're my favorite socks, which have a cute bear on them. I sit on the edge of the bed and pull them onto my feet.

Josh and Tyler come around the corner of the stairs and walk over to me. Looking down, into my eyes, Tyler starts talking. "Are you sure you're okay? You seem really upset by something. We just want to know so we can help you. We've both been through this before And we know what it's like to bottle up your emotions" Tyler's words are like a warm fall day. Warm and reassuring.

Josh sits next to me. "Listen, I know it's hard to talk about it. I know. Trust me. But bottling it up only makes it worse. If you just let go and talk about it, it'll help. I promise we won't judge you. We love you." he says, putting an arm around my shoulder. I flinch. Why do I always get scared?

"Oh uh sorry. I didn't mean to scare you" he says, taking his arm off my shoulder. "No, it's okay. I just get scared by sudden movements sometimes. Its okay though. I trust you." I say.

"You gonna tell us?" Tyler asks. I think about it for a moment. I finally open my mouth and talk. "Yeah I guess."

Adopted by Tyler Joseph, Jenna Joseph and Josh DunWhere stories live. Discover now