Chapter 22

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Its Friday in the story! :)
We sit around the table, drinking our cherry coke, and eating pizza. "So, we were talking in the car about school. And Y/N said she was nervous and wasn't looking forward to it. Since we want her to have an awesome life, stress free, we were wondering is she could be homeschooled?" Josh asks, looking at me and smiling.

Tyler looks up from his pizza, and thinks for a moment. "Well, usually school doesn't start till mid August, and so we'd wait till then" he takes a sip and continues "but why not! I'd love that!" Tyler says. Jenna smiles.

After dinner we go downstairs to the big TV and watch a movie. We chose Frozen, mainly because Tyler and Josh wanted to, but I don't mind. Watching them laugh because of the movie is great.

I take a shower and throw on shorts and a T-shirt and say goodnight to Tyler, Jenna and Josh. I walk to my room and sit on my bed and look at my pillow. A little package wrapped in sky blue wrapping paper with a pink bow is laying there.

I pick it up and hold it for a moment. I turn it over and slowly unwrap it, not tearing the wrapping paper.

It's a Brown, leather journal, with 3 gel pens. It's gorgeous. I open the first page to see it's been written on.

"Use this to express your thoughts, instead of the alternative. It's helps me, and I'm sure it'll help you. I love you very much and you mean the world to me. -Tyler"

I trace my fingers over the writing, and his name. I look at it for probably ten minutes, rereading it, before laying it in my drawer and turning out my lights.

The next morning I wake up to Tyler and Josh, standing over my bed. I jump a little but then sit up. "Morning baby girl! Sleep well?" Tyler asks, sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Yeah! Thanks for the journal. Its absolutely gorgeous!" I say, my voice still filled with sleep.

Tyler grins for a moment. "Just like you" he kisses my forehead and walks out of My room.

I pull a hoodie over my head and walk to the kitchen. Jenna sets a plate of cinnamon rolls on the table, and then carries coffee over.

"Morning!" she says, smiling and hands me a cup of coffee. I hold it under my nose and smell it, and warm my hands on it, before taking a sip.

I sit at the table with them and set my coffee down. Tyler prays and we dig in to the gooey cinnamon rolls, dripping with the sweet icing.

After breakfast I get dressed and grab my journal, before heading out to the balcony.

The air smells like fresh dirt and flowers, and the sound of the small river flowing is incredible.

I climb over the banister, which is very wide, and sit on it, letting my feet dangle freely.

I put my ear buds in my ears and let my thoughts take over the pages. I'm about to pages in when suddenly my music stops, and I realize someone took my ear buds out. I turn around to see Tyler, rocking on his heels with his hands in his pockets.

"What's up?" I ask, still sitting on the banister, but facing him. "Not much, I, uh, I just had a question" he says, climbing on the banister and sitting next to me. He looks down to see how high up we are, but doesn't seem to mind.

"Okay, well, I've seen your arms. T-this is super personal but please trust me, ok? W-when did you hurt yourself last?" he asks, looking down again, but then locking eyes with me. I look away.

My mind starts to shut down, but I manage to talk. "Uh, t-the night before I went to my old best friends house. The night he beat me. 2 weeks ago. Please don't tell anyone besides Jenna and Josh." I look down at my hands.

"I won't tell anyone okay? Did you do it before that too?" he asks, sounding concerned. I nod slowly. A tear trickles down my face, and I wipe it away.

He grabs my hand. "Listen, why I asked was because I don't want you to do that anymore. You're beautiful and don't deserve the pain. I want you to be happy. I love you so much. Please, please don't, ok? That's why I got you the journal" he says.

We climb down from the banister and hug. He grabs my shoulders and looks down at me. "Don't be scared to talk to any of us, ever. Ok? I love you. We love you. We're family now." Tyler says.

"Thanks Ty. I love you" I whisper and hug him again.

We get drinks from the kitchen and sit on the balcony sipping them. Josh and Jenna joined us and we all are talking. "Ya know what Y/N? You probably already know this, from lyrics, but I struggled with things too. And I still do. We've all gone through it and we want to help you. We're gonna get through this together" Tyler says.

I suck in a breathe and nod.

Adopted by Tyler Joseph, Jenna Joseph and Josh DunWhere stories live. Discover now