Chapter 21

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2 days later I find myself carrying a box from a big truck to my room. I got the room with the balcony.

I decided to have my bed placed near the window and door, in the corner where the two walls meet. I stack boxes on it and sit on the bed.

I put my lamp on my bedside table, along with a grasshopper, penguin and elephant trinket I have. I open the drawer and put my journal and gel pens and all my art things inside.

Josh strung white lights on the walls at the top and it makes it feel like my own room. I put a fall out boy poster on my wall and a panic at the disco one.

I walk to my closet across the room, and start to hang out clothes. Everything is almost unpacked.

When I'm done I open my door and cross the hall to Joshs room. It's open And he's making his bed.

"What's up?!" he says, tucking the last sheet in. "Not much. I finished unpacking and I don't know what to do now. Need help with anything?" I ask.

"Sorry, I'm just finishing up. Wanna go get drinks and bring them back for all of us? We deserve it. We've worked hard." Josh smiles.

"Sure. I'll go tell Tyler and Jenna." I say, leaving the room and walking down the hall to the end.

I open their door to see them kissing. Like full on kissing. I make an "eeeeh" sound and close the door, walking away.

I hear Tyler laugh and the door opens. I turn back around to see Tyler, standing there. His cheecks are red and he looks embarrassed.

"Eh sorry. I was just gonna tell you that me and Josh are gonna go get drinks for everyone." I say, looking at the floor, trying not to laugh.

"Haha you're fine. Okay have fun!" He closes the door and I walk away.

We get a gallon of sweet tea, and a 2 liter of cherry coke and drive back. It's silent for a long time, before Josh breaks the silence.

"Have you been enjoying your first days of being adopted?" Josh asks, looking over and smiling. We pull to a stop light and he looks over.

I smile. "Absolutely!" words can't describe how great it is to be adopted by them.

"Ready for school? I mean, it's only the middle of June, but you can never be too ready." he laughs a little.

I think for a minute before opening my mouth. "Not really to be honest. Ally goes there. I don't even know how I'm gonna survive. But I guess I will." I say.

Josh thinks for a minute. He looks deep in thought. "Ya'know?! Tyler was homeschooled for half his life. I bet he could homeschool you. We all could. Would you like that?" he asks, looking over to see my face.

I light up like a Christmas tree. I wouldn't have to be around people, which would be so nice. "I mean yeah. That'd be awesome. Would Tyler say yes though?" I ask, trying not to get my hopes up.

"I don't see why not. Anything for you, my dear" he says, smiling

Adopted by Tyler Joseph, Jenna Joseph and Josh DunWhere stories live. Discover now