I walked back into the kitchen really pissed off. One of my fans just insulted my girlfriend somehow and made her cry. That doesnt roll very well with me. I saw TC yelling at the computer. Jayk was coming inside, he must've just got done ordering the food. David and Bobby were telling TC to calm down. I walked over to the computer.
"That was my girlfriend. Yes. I have one. I have loved her since seventh grade and i never had the guts to ask her out until a while ago. I sang her a song I wrote at a talent show our school put on. When everyone left, i asked her out. Her best friend Savannah threatened to kick my booty if i ever hurt her. We saw a poster for boyband auditions and she wanted me to tryout. I really didnt want to but she had her heart set on it. We went to the audition, I thought i had NO chance whatsoever. She wanted to sing with me to get me warmed up. We sang 'Wouldnt change a thing'. When we finished singing they offered me the boyband job and they offered Megan a solo artist spot. We both acepted. Her single comes out in a month as well as ours. Thats our story. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her. If you cant accept it, then why are you still watching?"
I stormed off into my room. I'm glad that i got that off of my chest. I was careful not to wake Megan. She needed as much rest as she could get. I decided to sleep in an old aero t shirt and basketball shorts. I slipped into bed trying not to startle Megan. I watched her sleep for what seemed like half an hour. She looked so calm when she slept. I laid in my bed just thinking. I finally decided to get some sleep. I closed my eyes and started to dream.
When i woke up the next morning, Megan was still asleep. I gently tapped her arm telling her to wake up. She stretched and then proceeded to yawn. Everything she did was adorable.
"Hello Beautiful." I smiled.
"Hello Drewtful." She smiled back. I loved her smile more than anything in the world.
"It's time to get ready for our first photoshoot."
"Wanna borrow some clothes?" I asked.
"Yes please." She laughed.
I got out of bed and went over to my closet.
"Umm. What about these?" I threw her basketball shorts and one of my t-shirts.
"Im gonna need some shoes, white boy." She winked.
"Woah there, white girl. Put on the clothes first." I winked back.
"Wheres the bathroom? I gotta shower."
"First door on the left Sweet Cheeks. Ya know, i can help you with that shower."
"HA! No. Good try Drew."
"Dang! I thought that was a good attempt!"
"I'm gonna shower before one of y'all uses all the hot water."
"Okay." She smiled as I kissed her cheek. I watched her walk out of my room and into the bathroom. I headed for the kitchen. I knew i was going to get yelled at, so might as well get it over with. I saw TC sitting on the couch, Jayk was looking for food in the kitchen and Bobby was playing on the Playstation 2. I guess David was taking a shower or still sleeping. I sat down on the couch by TC.
"Guys." I started to say.
"Drew." Jayk said.
"No. I shouldnt have blown up like that it was uncalled for."
"Drew!" Bobby added.
"It was my fault im sorry."
"DREW!" TC yelled.
"What?" I responded.
"Its all cool dude. We talked about it, and any one of us would've done it for our girlfriends too. Your fine." Jayk added.
"That's a relief." I sighed.
"You really care about her, don't you?" TC asked.
"More than you know, Baby Bird, More than you know." I smiled just at the thought of her. I wonder if she was done with her shower. I guess ill go see. I wandered off into the hallway and discovered that the door was still closed. I guess ill wait in my room. I sat down on my bed and began to wait. I looked at my watch, 7:10. Megan better hurry up if she wants to get to her photoshoot on time. I stood up and began to walk to my closet when i heard a very lound thump. Did someone fall? I ran outside my room. All the guys were in the hallway, even David. Where did the sound come from?
"MEGAN!" I yelled.
"Where's she at?" David asked.
"Shower!" I answered. I ran over to the bathroom and went to open the door. It was open.
"Megan? You alright?'' I asked.
I opened the door up all the way and i saw Megan passed out on the bathroom floor.
"MEGAN!" I lifted her neck up and rested it on my lap. It looked like she was about to walk out in the hallway but she slipped and fell.
"Is she ok?" TC asked.
"I-I dont know." Her eyes fluttered and finally opened. She blinked a couple times.
"Andrew?" She blushed.
"Yes?" I answered.
"Andrew, what happened? Where am i? Who are they? My head hurts."
"W-what?" No one has called me Andrew since...7th grade. "Jayk call 911."
"Is she ok?" Bobby asked.
"Physically, yes. Except for that bump on her head. Emotionally, no. I'm pretty sure she has amnesia."

What I Really Want To Say
Teen FictionMegan Jennings is just your average girl. Just finishing High School, shes on the verge of her singing career, and lives the perfect life. That's not what she thinks though. She never sees her parents, nothing ever goes right, and someone always see...