In a matter of no time at all, Cassadee and I were sitting first class on a flight to California. San Diego to be exact. She didn't need much convincing, all i had to say was, 'Lets go crash the Dirty Work tour, you in?' The only problem was that no one knew we were coming, well except for Scooter and Matt, the managers. And we wanted it to stay that way. Thomas was picking us up from the airport.
Thomas was extatic that i would get to see him again. My tour is currently in Texas heading for California. By the time it gets to San Diego, Travis' tour will be in Washington. So basically, after spending two days with the Dirty Work tour in California, Cass and I can just stay here with Thomas until our bus rolls in for the next show.
"Lets go shopping before we head to the venue." Cassadee looked up from her iPhone. "When i come to Cali i go to this awesome little vintage store that has the coolest stuff! And since this is a surprise and all, i think we should look pretty sexy when we surprise our men!"
"I like the way you think Cassadee! I figured out a way i can surprise Trav, by the way. Did you figure out what you're going to do?"
"Really? And no not yet. I'll probably just pop around a corner after their set is over and see how surprised he gets. What are you gonna do?"
"Well i was just texting Scooter and he gave me the okay! I'm gonna pop out and sing Demi's chorus of We'll Be A Dream! Trav is planning on singing it solo like usual, they'll have no idea!"
"Awww! I'm totally taping this! And by the way, Welcome to California!"
"Can you guys just pick something already?" Thomas whined.
"Beauty takes work, Tom." I checked my phone for the time.
"Okay i found it." Cassadee held up a skirt. "Here. This is perfect. We're done now."
"That took forever." Thomas took our bags and put them in his car. "Can we eat now?"
"I guess so. Cass and i have to change so lets head to your house and just order food there."
"As long as i get food i don't care."
The ride to Thomas' house took forever. He didn't live that far from the venue so we got lucky. I was starting to get a headache, so that wasn't good. No, i didn't take my medicine today. Savannah made me take it yesterday against my will. Cassadee was putting her things in the room we were sharing, and i wanted to beat this headache before it came.
"Thomas, do you have any aspirin?"
"Nope." He looked at his phone.
"C'mon. I know you do."
"If you're not gonna take your medicine, i'm not gonna give you aspirin."
"What if i did?"
"I'll call Savannah."
"Thomas! I have to sing tonight!! C'mon!"
"Its in the bathroom somewhere. I'm getting tired of you not taking your meds."
"I'm getting tired of you telling me what to do!"
"Oh really? Who's house are you in right now? Who picked you up from the airport? Keep this up and you're walking to the damn venue."
Instead of even arguing back, i went to the bathroom and took my aspirin. Cassadee was already dressed and sitting in our room on her macbook.
"I set your clothes out on your bed."
"Thanks Cass." I had a couple new messages on my phone.
"Sorry for listening in, but what were you two fighting about? You both seem like perfect siblings."

What I Really Want To Say
Roman pour AdolescentsMegan Jennings is just your average girl. Just finishing High School, shes on the verge of her singing career, and lives the perfect life. That's not what she thinks though. She never sees her parents, nothing ever goes right, and someone always see...