"He what?!"
"Danny, hes does SI. He cuts himself... He even tried to blame it on Elvis."
"We should have seen this coming."
"Why? What am i missing? What happened before i met you guys?"
"Thats for Travis to tell you. Sorry. He really seems to trust you though, im sure he'll tell you in no time."
"Is it that bad?" I questioned.
Danny sighed as we heard a knock at the door. I got up from the couch and answered it only to find Drew standing there.
"What could you possibly want Drew?"
"To see my girlfriend maybe?"
"Really? What makes now so different than yesterday? Where were you yesterday anyway? The time i needed you most Drew, and you weren't fucking there. Do you know how bad that hurts?! First my parents, now you. I really don't need this right now."
"But Megan!"
"No. Just, just go Drew."
"Im not going."
"Danny? Make him leave please.." And with that i walked to my bedroom and cried.
Danny walked over to Drew, studying him.
"Why do you let her just run away?"
"Like i really need you commenting on my relationship."
"When a girl leaves, you don't let her walk away. You run the fuck after her and pour your heart out on the pavement. You tell her all the reasons you love her, and you gotta mean every word of it. You better kiss her like you've never kissed her before and hold her in your arms like you're protecting the world, because she is your world. Fight for her. Don't let her go. Because once she walks out on you, there'll be nothing more you can do. And let me tell you, you will regret it."
"You a fucking poet now or something?"
"You Drew, are a douchebag. And you heard the lady. Leave."
"Im going asshole." Drew walked off the porch and over to his car. Danny really didn't know what was wrong with him. He was clearly a doche lord who had a temper problem. Something was wrong with this kid, something happened before they met. But he didn't know what.
He walked upstairs after calling Savannah and Travis, they could have one big sleepover or something. Cause at this moment, neither Travis or Megan needed to be alone.
Travis was over in a flash with Savannah quickly after. Megan was passed out when they arrived, so we decided to let her continue sleeping. Shes got a lot on her plate at the moment. After i told them about what happened with Drew, they got pretty heated.
"Something happened to that prick while he was in Germany. He changed. Believe me, he was never like this before. Knowing the attention whore, the fame probably got to his head." Savannah answered.
"If i ever get like that please slap me." Travis responded.
"Same." I threw back. "Have you guys eaten yet?"
"Nope." Travis answered while Savannah nodded her head yes.
"I guess ill go get some McDonalds or something."
"Want one of us to come with Trav?" I asked.
"No its okay." Travis walked out the door to his car.
It was a cold night. Travis clinged to his hoodie seeking warmth. He started his truck while shivering, hoping it would get warm quick. He didn't feel like eating, not that he could eat anything anyway. He just didn't want Danny to ask questions. Megan was the only one he wanted to know about everything.
He drove to the park and sat down on the nearest swing. He looked over at the next swing to find T.C.+ E.V. engraved on the top. How could he forget?! This is where he took her on their second date. The day he asked her to be his girlfriend. And the day he would ask her to marry him..
The tears welled up in his eyes. Its been almost a year Travis get over it! He thought. But he couldnt. You never forget your first love. He held his head in his hands. A tear falling here and there. He heard a stick break behind him which caused his head to jerk up and to look over his shoulder.
"Whos there?" He asked timidly.
"Whos there." The voice mocked him like a baby.
"Stop messing around!" Travis yelled.
"Oh please." The voice stepped out from around the corner to reveal Drew.
"What do you want?! Haven't you caused enough?"
"Psh. Havent YOU caused enough? Before you came into this picture i was fine! I had Megan, I had a life, I had a great career! But then she met you."
Drew walked over to Travis which caused him to stand up. They were face to face ready to break out in a fight at any given moment.
"Why did she meet me huh? I ask myself that every day. But she defintely doesn't need someone like YOU in her life. I can tell you that much." He sniffed his nose.
"Excuse me?" Drews voice rose. "Im the best thing that ever happened to her! And why are you crying gay boy? Mommy forgot to change your diaper?"
"I don't understand why she cries over you! You're such a prick i can't even stand it! And no you asshole don't even talk about my mom!"
"Oh shutup. You're too gay to fucking function. Ever heard of a haircut? Pussy."
"Im. Not. Gay. I don't even know why im talking to a stuck up pig like you!"
"Cause you love me. Don't you gay boy? You hang around Megan just for ME. Admit it." Drew smirked.
"Im completely straight! You're the gay one! You wear jeans tighter than Megan! Who the fuck does that! And my hair is gay? Look at yours faggot!"
"What the fuck did you just call me?"
"A....a faggot." Drew walked closer, within a couple inches distance. He backed up only to sock a blow right into Travis nose.
"Don't EVER call me anything that like that again. Got it?"
Travis shook his head and laid on the ground watching the man leave. He tried to stop the bleeding by pinching his nose. He ran to his truck and drove off to his house as quick as he could, missing a few stop signs along the way.
He ran to his bathroom and with one look at his crooked nose he knew he had to put it back into place.
"FUCK!" He screamed in pain, wincing as he held his nose after placing it back on track. The blood stopped, but he was gonna have buises and a black eye for a long time.
"Just what i needed." He sighed and went to change his clothes before bed.
How could my life get this bad? He thought as he settled on a longsleeved shirt and the stripped pajama pants Megan wore the last time she came over. They still smelled like her, and he needed the extra comfort.
Elvis climbed into bed with him and they drifted off into sleep.

What I Really Want To Say
Novela JuvenilMegan Jennings is just your average girl. Just finishing High School, shes on the verge of her singing career, and lives the perfect life. That's not what she thinks though. She never sees her parents, nothing ever goes right, and someone always see...