My dad and I don't fight a lot, so I had no clue why he called me and yelled at me to come home. He's not usually this strict, he trusts me. Well i thought.
I had my iPod playing when i was walking in the house, so i kinda tuned everyone out.
"MEGAN!" My dad screamed at me.
"Nice to see you did what i told you."
"Go to your room."
"What? Why!"
"Just go."
Storming off into my room i noticed something on my bed. Why was a pet carrier on it? What was going on? I walked closer and heard a small whimper. I was beyond confused and decided to open the carrier. Not even two seconds later the cutest most adorable baby chihuahua walked out of it.
"OH MY GOD!!" I sat down next to it and started to pet it behind its ears. I picked it up and came to the conclusion it was a girl. Good. Now i could call her a her instead of an it. I grabbed her and ran down the stairs.
"Dad!!" I quickly found him on the couch next to my mom, my uncle, and my aunt. "Did you do this?" I smiled.
"It was my idea quit taking credit!" My aunt shouted.
"Okay it we both did it. Happy?"
"Yes." My aunt winked at me and continued talking.
"Thank you both so much!"
"Do you have a name for her?" My mom asked.
"No clue. I don't know her personality yet." I sat her down on the couch and she walked over to my cousin.
"She looks like a little flower." He said.
"Daisy! Perfect! Thank you Austin!"
"I'm the genious in this family."
"You're fifteen. Come upstairs and help me with her."
I hugged everyone and Austin followed me upstairs into my room. He jumped onto my bed and laid down.
"Having fun in Florida?"
"I guess. We really haven't done anything though."
"Wanna go to the beach?"
"On Christmas Eve?"
"Not now silly. When everyone's asleep. No one will be there, besides you can see the beach from my window. It's not like we'll be far."
"I'm down. Can we bring Daisy?"
"Why would you think i wouldn't?" I laughed. He was playing with my laptop and i was sitting on the floor playing with Daisy.
"Someones trying to call you on Skype."
"You can answer it."
"Okay.." He turned the screen towards me and i saw Travis waving on the monitor. I held Daisy up and smiled.
"Trav this is why my dad wanted me home so bad! I named her Daisy! Isn't she the cutest thing ever?"
"I helped with the name." Austin replied.
"I better keep Elvis away from her." He laughed. "But yes babe, shes adorable."
"Ask him to come with us." Austin looked over at me.
"Come where?" Travis asked.
"Austin and I were gonna go to the beach later and bring Daisy. Wanna come with?"
"Sure. I can bring Elvis if you want."
"Sounds perfect! But we're waiting till everyone falls asleep though. Austin wants an adventure so we're giving him one."
I saw Travis turn around on the screen. "Travis who are you talking to!"
"Its just Megan, Danny!" Travis screamed back.
"Hi Megan!!" Danny appeared on the screen.
"Hey Danny. Wanna hit up the beach later?"
"Fuck yes i do!"
"I mean duck yes! Duck!"
"I'm fifteen. Not five. You act like i haven't heard it before."
"Sorry. But meet at my window around eleven-ish. Then we can start Operation: Christmas at the Beach."
"Sounds perfect to me. See you later tonight Megs."
"Bye Danny. Bye Trav." I shut my laptop and started to play with Daisy again.
"Yes? Everything okay?"
"Yeah. I was just gonna ask how long you and Travis have been together."
"Hmm. Almost six months in a couple weeks. Why did you wanna know squirt?"
"You both just act like you've been together for years."
"Well. Thanks i guess."
"Have you done it yet?"
"What! No!"
"Calm down prissy pants. Just a question. But what base have you gotten to?"
"Austin. Stop."
"I'm not gonna stop annoying you until you answer!" He started running around and hitting random things.
"Oh my God. Austin shut up."
"Nope." He went right back to doing what he was doing a few seconds earlier.
"First, okay! First!"
"He felt you up?"
"Thats second dumb ass."
"Whats first?"
"Kissing. French kiss? How do you not know?"
"I just got confused. But thats it?"
"Uh. Yeah?"
"You've got him whipped."
"What do you mean?"
"You've been together for almost six months and all you've done is french?"
"And your point is..?"
"Megan, c'mon. He hasn't hinted at anything sexually not even once? Are you sure that he's straight?"
"You're the one holding back aren't you?"
All i did was raise my left hand. The ring shined that my dad had gotten me all those years ago. "Duh."
"Thank you Captain Obvious!"
"That just means he can't put it in you. You can still blow-"
"I am not having this conversation with you."
"I was gonna say blow bubbles but whatever."
"Sure you were." I turned my attention back to Daisy.
"What do we do until they get here?"

What I Really Want To Say
Teen FictionMegan Jennings is just your average girl. Just finishing High School, shes on the verge of her singing career, and lives the perfect life. That's not what she thinks though. She never sees her parents, nothing ever goes right, and someone always see...