The ambulance arrived in almost five minutes. I explained what happened and because I was the only one Megan remembered, they believed me. They rushed to the hospital while we followed along behind them in the van. Jayk drove because he was the best in tough situations. I looked out the window the whole ride. When we finally arrived at the hospital, I basically ran up to the front desk and asked where Megan's room was. Considering that my eyes were red and swollen from wiping my tears, she let us in. I walked into her room and discovered she was sleeping. I sat down in the chair next to her bed and began to think. The guys came in several minutes later. Bobby had food in his hands so they must've visited the cafeteria. The doctor walked into the room and sighed.
"Drew?" He looked around.
"Right here." I answered standing up.
"Shes going to be ok. Just a minor bump on the head. But, you were right. She has partial amnesia. Yes her memory can be restored, but if it doesnt come back within six months, its probably lost." As soon as he stepped out of the room, Savannah stepped in.
"What happened?! Drew?!" Savannah screamed.
"Shhh! Shes sleeping." Jayk added.
"And you would be?"
"Im Jayk, spelled J, A, Y, K."
"Im TC."
"Is that short for something?" Savannah asked.
"Tommy Carter." TC basically whispered. All they guys laughed at Savannahs expression. "SHUT UP!" Of course, now they laughed more.
"Hey, im Bobby."
"You like food dont you?"
"How did you know?!"
"Just a guess." She smirked.
"And im David."
"And you all are from?"
"VARSITY FANCLUB!" They all answered.
"Savannah." I said.
"Don't kick my ass today, im not up for it."
"Drew CUSSED?" TC managed to say.
"Yeah. I did. Sorry. Savannah, long story short, she was staying with us, and she fell. When she opened her eyes finally she didnt remember any of them. And she called me Andrew. "
"What? No one has called you Andrew since-"
"Seventh grade."
"So your saying-"
"She has partial amnesia. She remembers everything up to seventh grade."
"So..she doesnt remember you two dating?"
"No." I looked away.
"If she doesnt remember anything in six months her memory will probably be lost forever." TC stated.
"Thanks for the info, cheeks." Savannah added.
"Yeah. Chipmonk cheeks." All the guys laughed.
"We lied." Bobby stated, trying not to laugh.
"We have to get her memory back somehow." Jayk stated.
"Thanks for the info Captain Obvious." Savannah slyly added.
"Your welcome Leutinent Sarcasm." Jayk snapped back.
"Im beginning to like her." David chuckled. Savannah blushed.
"Yeah, but how?" I asked.
"I think i have an idea." Savannah said.

What I Really Want To Say
Teen FictionMegan Jennings is just your average girl. Just finishing High School, shes on the verge of her singing career, and lives the perfect life. That's not what she thinks though. She never sees her parents, nothing ever goes right, and someone always see...