It's Not Goodbye, It's See You Later.

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Six o'clock came way too fast. I heard the doorbell ring and Thomas shook me awake. He leaves at eight but woke up to see me go. I rubbed my eyes and sunk back into the couch. A mop of red hair overwhelmed my vision as it jumped on me. 

"Theres my lion." I sleepily smiled. 

"Get any sleep?" He layed down next to me and i cuddled into his side. I could smell the breakfast Jessica was making and it made my mouth water. 

"Barely. Sleeping pills work wonders though. Thats how i got some sleep." 

"Go back to sleep, i'll wake you when someone comes."

"Thanks Trav." I quickly pecked his lips and cuddled back into his side and fell asleep.

I woke up what seemed minutes later, and probably was, to Savannah yelling.


"Five more minutes, mom."

"Savannah too loud, too early." Travis wiped his eyes.

"Clark i'm temped to cut those precious locks of yours."

"I'M UP." I jumped straight up and grabbed the coffee out of her hands. "Leave my boyfriends hair alone."

"What did i miss?" Ryan walked through the door with his parents and his little sister.

"I almost got a haircut in my sleep." Travis responded while stroking his hair and staring at Savannah.

"We The Kings would lose half of its fanbase if that happened." He replied back.

"You people only like me for my hair!"

"It's the only reason i'm dating you." I winked. He faked a hurt look and walked into the kitchen. "Just kidding!" I yelled. "It's nice to meet you guys!" I stood up and shook hands with Ryan's parents. He was holding his little sister who was fast asleep. 

"You can set her on one of the couches if you want. I'll go get a blanket. And i think Jessica is almost done with breakfast. I haven't seen Thomas or Travis for five minutes and they're probably eating all of our food." Ryan's parents laughed and i ran upstairs to grab a blanket. By the time i got back down, Sebastian and Hunter were walking inside the door. 

Sebastian doesn't like his parents so i'm not surprised that he didn't bring them.

"Hunter what are you doing here? Going to eat my food and then leave with Travis?"

"Hes here already? And yeah i was thinking about it." He smiled. 

"In the kitchen." Hunter and Sebastian ran off to the kitchen and Audrey was at the door. Her mom and her brother were with her. I said my hello and they headed to the living room. I sat down next to Travis and we all just started talking about random things until Jessica was done with breakfast.

There was the doorbell again. But everyones here?

"Everyone's already here? Who is that?"

"Oh. I kinda invited Danny, Alli, and Charles too." Hunter scratched his neck.

"Might as well invite the rest of the label Hunter!"

Danny just walked straight in and Alli and Charles walked in slowly behind. 

"I'm hungry and i know you always have food." Danny walked into the kitchen.

"I feel kinda bad now.. Hunter said their wouldn't be that many people.." Charles frowned looking over at me. 

"It's okay, i have enough room. But seriously, someone lock the door, i cannot handle one more person." 

Travis pulled me close and hugged me. He whisped, "It's gonna be fine." in my ear.

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