It had been almost a month since Travis asked me out. And to be honest, it was one of the best months of my life. Travis was very different from Drew. Travis would always open doors for me, he would never let me pay even if i begged him, and he would always compliment me, even if i thought i looked like crap. He made me feel special thats for sure.
Travis and I were laying on the couch together with a blanket draped over us. Danny was passed out on the recliner, and Savannah was asleep on the loveseat. We all just got back from the mall and i could tell Danny and Savannah did not want to be there. They both would rather be sleeping. Typical.
I turned over and nuzzled into Travis' chest which caused him to put his arm around me. I smiled into his hair.
My phone started to ring when Travis and I were in the middle of a makeout session. Since we're both singers, our lung capacity could probably let us makeout forever. Haha.
"Hello?" I answered.
"Megan? Its your dad."
I looked at Travis who exchanged a worried glance with me. "Is anything wrong?"
"Oh no, not at all. I'm having a package being delivered today and i was wondering if you got it yet?"
"No dad. The mail should come any moment though."
"Ohh.. Can you check for me?"
"I guess dad. Ill text you if its here."
"Bye Meggypoo. I love you."
"You too dad." I hung up the phone and stood up. Travis did the same.
"What did he want?"
"To see if his package came. Can you believe it? He doesn't call me in like two months and when he does its about a package. I haven't even seen my parents in almost six months!!"
"Im sure they'll come home soon babe." Travis replied hugging me. "They're working. At least you know where they are, its just a big case they're on."
"I sure hope so. I'll go check on that damn package he cares about more than me."
Travis shot a look at me as i opened the door.
"Oh my God. TRAVIS!" I yelled as he ran up to see if i was okay. My yelling also caused Savannah and Danny to wake up and run over also.
Tears started to well up in my eyes. I saw my parents walking up the driveway with a million suitcases and their assistants with theirs. I turned around and hugged Travis really tight. I hope he didn't mind the tears on his shirt. It's not like I haven't cried on him before. But this time i was crying for happiness. I felt Travis tense up. Oh shit. I totally forgot this would be the first time hes going to meet my parents. I quickly whispered in his ear and felt him untense. I turned around teary eyed to finally see my parents for the first time in what seemed forever.
My mom dropped everything she was carrying and grabbed me in a hug. She stared to cry with me. My dad set all his stuff inside and joined in the group hug.
"I missed you guys so much. Please never leave me again." I whispered.
"Believe me Meg we're never going out of state for a case ever again." My mom stated. I hated the petname she had for me but i let it slide just this once.
"So are you going to introduce us bud?" My dad said.
"Oh. Um, yeah. Dad, Mom, you know Savannah, this is Danny, and this is Travis, my boyfriend. They're from We The Kings and they're my labelmates." I smiled.
"Nice to meet you both." Travis smiled and then scratched at his arms. I stared him down. Did he really just scratch again? I thought he was all better? I'll have to talk to him about that later..

What I Really Want To Say
Novela JuvenilMegan Jennings is just your average girl. Just finishing High School, shes on the verge of her singing career, and lives the perfect life. That's not what she thinks though. She never sees her parents, nothing ever goes right, and someone always see...