I was half asleep in the back of the car. I'll guess that im laying on Travis? The only reason i could tell was the familiar scent of that heavenly cologne he always wears. I didn't want to wake up so i carefully nuzzled more into Travis and felt him put his arm around me.
What seemed like hours later but was probably a few minutes, the car stopped. Travis sat me up and pulled me onto his chest to carry me. Damn was he strong. My face was covered in his hair. Im glad no one could see because i was still crying the entire time.
I heard the car door shut as the front door opened. Travis carried me up the steps to my room as i was still sniffling my nose trying not to cry more. He sat me down on my bed and folded the covers over me.
I sniffled. "Travis? Are you still there?"
"Yeah Megs. Want me to stay?" I nodded my head.
He kicked his shoes off and dove under the blankets right next to me. I cuddled into his side and closed my eyes. He put his arms around me right as i drifted off.
I woke up sometime later alone. I sighed. I hate being alone. I need a pet. Soft music was playing from my iDock. I wandered over to see that Check Yes, Juliet was on its 5th play. Hmm. Trav must have put that on before he left. I decided to head downstairs to get some aspirin and soda, but saw a note at my door.
Sorry i had to leave you, believe me that was the last thing i wanted to do. But Scoot checked my face earlier and im ok to play tonight! I hope you'll come and see us. Savannah's coming over so you two can come together. You need something to cheer you up! I hope tonight will.(:
-Trav xoxo (I hope you liked the music i picked.)
I smiled at the thought of Travis going through my infinite songs but choosing on his own to play through the speakers. Walking down the stairs i saw Jessica cleaning away at the railing.
"Good afternoon Ms. Jennings!"
"Jessica, i told you to call me Megan! You only have to call me Ms. Jennings when my parents are around, which is close to never."
"They're working on a big case at the moment. They'll be home soon i promise." She smiled.
"I sure hope so.."
I headed to the fridge to grab a SunDrop and stopped by the cabinet to snatch an aspirin. I wonder when Savannah will be here..
"Ms. Megan you have a visitor!"
"There ya go. Haha. Who is it?"
"Its Ms. Savannah. It seems she has several boys with her."
"What?" I replied running to the door to see. "Why is All Time Low coming to my house with Savannah?" I opened the door.
"Nice to see you sleepy head. When did Travie leave?" Savannah bellowed.
"Uh. I dunno. I was still asleep. He left a note that he gets to play tonight though. We're gonna go watch them right?"
"Yep! ATL here is the opener. Deb had me haul Alex and Jack to the show but i had to stop to pick you up boo! She needs to see you soon! You dressed?"
"Not really..."
"Ooooh! Lets play the 'Get Dressed In Less Than 5 Minutes!' game!"
"Oh God not again..."
"Do we even want to know?" Alex asked pointing at him and Jack.
"No.. Save yourselves now." They plopped on the couch and turned on the TV.
"C'mon Megs. Lets make you look stunning!"
Savannah led me to my room and sat me on the bed. She started to rummage in my closet and pulled out a bunch of random clothing. Skirts, shorts, and pants, it was all flung past my face.
"Found it!"
"Found what."
"The perfect outfit bro."
"What does it consist of? This is a concert. Comfy clothes please."
"It is. It is. Here."
Savannah threw me a pair of shorts and one of Travis' shirts he leaves around everywhere. It was the one with the big peace sign in the middle. I grabbed my lucky cheetah print off brand converse, my phone, and my iPod before heading back to the car with Alex, Jack, and Savannah.
"Deb is gonna be glad you're coming. You've kinda been non-existant to the label lately."
"I've also dealt with a lot of shit lately."
"Don't snap at me. Im just restating what she said."
"Im sorry Sav. With everything thats gone on today, im about ready to explode."
"THATS WHAT SHE SAID!" Jack yelled from the backseat.
"You're mature." Alex noted.
"You would've done the same dickhead."
"Woah woah woah bro. Not. Cool. There's ladies in the car. Be polite man." Alex winked.
"Classy son of a bitch." Jack whispered.
We arrived at the venue almost ten minutes later. Jack and Alex walked in with us where i saw Travis and Danny playing ping pong. Charles, Drew's fill in for touring at the moment, was vlogging like usual, Hunter was drinking and partying with the crew members, and Rian and Zack were helping Vinny unload merch. I noticed Chris V walking over to us.
"Hey Megan! Hows it going?"
"Its a bad day Chris.."
"Im sure it will get better! Just smile! Its amazing what it does to you! I'll talk to you again later when i don't have to sell merch, but remember to smile!"
Hes always happy and smiling 24/7. I don't get how he does it. I glanced over at Travis who noticed i was here and came running over. He engulfed me in a huge hug and i closed my eyes. There's the familiar cologne scent. I could smell that forever.
"I see you're wearing my shirt huh?" He smiled.
"Why wouldn't i? It's laying around with the fifty others you leave at my house!" I smiled back at him. "Thank you."
"For what?"
"Everything. Staying with me, being there for me, being a ginger like me, just everything."
"No problem Megs." Travis said while bear hugging me. "So im thinking instead of an after party tonight, ill just skip out and have some ice cream and movies with you?"
"Sounds perfect." I grinned. Maybe today won't be that much of a disaster after all?

What I Really Want To Say
Teen FictionMegan Jennings is just your average girl. Just finishing High School, shes on the verge of her singing career, and lives the perfect life. That's not what she thinks though. She never sees her parents, nothing ever goes right, and someone always see...