I woke abruptly when i heard something hit my window. I looked over at Savannah who was still snoring. Two seconds later i heard the same noise. I started to get out of bed and look, and i heard the noise for a third time. As i ran over to the window i heard it again. I opened it up to see Travis waving from the ground.
"You scared me!" I smiled.
"Gonna let me in?"
"You'll have to climb on up." I winked.
Travis climbed up the grapevine to my window on the second story. I quickly shut my window and put the blinds back down. He squashed me in a hug and a quick kiss.
"Ready for bed?" I asked. He nodded and he flung his shoes off. He must have went home first because he was changed into shorts and his shirt with the big black dot on it.
We both lifted up the covers and snuggled close. I heard Travis whisper goodnight before i dozed off.
"Wake up!!!" Savannah shouted while poking me.
"What? Whats wrong?"
"Your mom is coming upstairs thats whats wrong!"
"What!! Holy hell! Travis!" I woke him up and shoved him in the closet. "Don't move!"
I heard a knock at my door and spun around. Shit. I opened it to find my mom standing there.
"Why was the door locked?" She asked.
"Savannah was changing and i was still asleep. I dunno mom its early."
"Whos shoes are those? They look like the ones Travis had on yesterday." Fuck!
"Oh. Well, um ya see those are.."
My mom butted in. "If i opened up the closet would i find him?"
I looked at the ground and stayed silent. Shit. How did she know?!
"I was a teenager once too Megan. You should have just asked. Come downstairs in a few minutes, Maddison and Addison are here and they want to see their big cousin." She walked back downstairs and i shut and locked the door again. I opened up the closet for Travis and laid back on my bed. He awkwardly stood there for a second before laying next to me.
"I'm sorry." He answered.
"For coming over. Your mom will never trust me, ever." He sighed.
"You don't know that. She loves you. Now lets go see my adorable cousins."
"Will they hate me?"
"They're like three Trav. They don't know the meaning of hate. And im sure my aunt won't hate you either. You're one big loveable ginger whos all mine." I smiled and placed a kiss to his cheek. "Now lets go see them!"
We all walked downstairs and the first thing i saw was my adorable cousins playing on the floor. My aunt and my mom were on the couch talking and my dad was probably still sleeping.
"Megan! The twins and i missed you! Oh Savannah! Look how much you've grown! And who is this Megan? I don't recall seeing him before." My aunt responded smiling.
"Oh, hi Aunt Rose. Maddi and Addi are getting so big! And this fine fellow is Travis my boyfriend."
"Well hello! I was wondering if you could watch the twins for a couple hours while your mom and i go out to eat?"

What I Really Want To Say
JugendliteraturMegan Jennings is just your average girl. Just finishing High School, shes on the verge of her singing career, and lives the perfect life. That's not what she thinks though. She never sees her parents, nothing ever goes right, and someone always see...