Do You Love Her More Than Me?

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Travis was passed out on my couch. I was laying next to him watching TV when i heard the doorbell ring. Today, i was on the verge of freaking out. Some days i would completely break down. I would either get angry or sad depending on the day. It was almost as if i was bipolar or something. But all the stress and the anxiety was starting to build up inside me. I was going to get my head cut open for fucks sake. The surgery was late next week and prom was this weekend. I was still on the line with prom. Travis wanted me to go really bad, but i still didn't know.

I got off the couch and slowly paddled over to the door. I yawned and opened it to reveal Drew. But, he was crying. Not crying, straight up bawling. I should just close the door, but theres no way. I placed my hand on his shoulder. He lifted his head up and his eye was swollen, already blackening.

"Drew.. Whats happened?"

"I- my- dad... he- he.." He started to cry harder.

"Shhh. Calm down, come in, its gonna be okay." 

I placed a hand on his back and led him into the living room. I went down to sit on the couch but Drew saw Travis and froze.

"Oh, shit. Sorry. Let's go to the kitchen."

We sat down at the table and Drew grabbed a fistful of my shirt. I reluctantly pulled him closer and he cried on my chest for a good ten minutes.

"Okay, you need to tell me whats wrong, now."

"I'm sorry.." He sniffled and i handed him a tissue box. "I- I came out to my parents today." He started to cry more.

"Oh, Drew.."

"My mom was okay with it.. My dad on the other hand, wasn't."

"Did he hit you?" 

"Almost.. He threw something at me." He looked me in the eye. "Megan, he doesn't want another daughter! He said he should've known that i was a fag all along from the way i dressed and acted and he kicked me out! I have no where to live! The guys still hate me, except for TC, and he lives with them so i'm stuck in my fucking car!"

"Drew, you can stay here for a few days." What the hell am i saying?

"Travis would kill me, Megan. If he doesn't, his friends will."

"Is this his house? No. You have no one right now, and you need someone. I have numerous guest rooms. You can stay for a few days. Travis can deal with it."

"What about your parents?"

"They left last night for a week long stay in Arizona for a case. They won't even know. It's okay, Drew. The only person here besides me is Thomas, and Jessica if you wanted to count the maid."

He hugged me. "Thank you so much. This means so much to me, i can't thank you enough."

"Megan, what is he doing here?" Travis stood in the doorway. Drew played with his hands and hung his head.

"He needs a place to stay for a few days, i have room." 

"Can't he stay at a fucking hotel or something?" Travis scoffed.

"Drew, go get your things, i'll see you in a bit okay? Don't get hurt again." Drew looked up and started to walk out the door.

"Black eyes are awesome aren't they? Especially with a broken nose!" Travis yelled.

"Travis, you're not a hard ass, shut up."

"Why? He's finally getting what he deserved."

I shook my head and walked upstairs to my room. Travis followed. I sat down on my bed and placed my head in my hands, trying to analize this situation. Travis placed his hands on my shoulders pushing me back onto the bed. I rolled my eyes. He leaned down to kiss me and i heasitantly kissed back. He must have sensed this because he unlocked our lips and pressed his to my neck. He bit down and sucked, i yelped and pushed him back.

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