"Youre going to GERMANY?!?!" I basically yelled.
"For three months." Drew replied. "I want you to come with me!" He begged.
"I can't. I have a career here too, Drewby."
"I know." He signed and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Im gonna miss you Megs. I don't know how i'll be able to handle three months without you."
"Me either, but we can skype, call, and text every day. It won't be the same but at least we can still talk." I faked a smile.
"I guess. Im so glad i have you. You always get me through the tough times." Waffles came running in and barking and jumped on Drew. "Oh yeah. Megan? Can you please take care of Waffles for me?"
"Anything for you. And Waffles." I smiled.
"There's that smile i fell in love with." I blushed into a fine shade of red. He laughed.
"Theres the laugh that caputured my heart." He smiled wide.
"Can you help me put my things in the van?"
"You can stay here if you want. I know you don't like living in your empty house, but here you'll have Waffles and Winston. Its better than nothing."
"Yeah. I guess you're right. My parents get back in a week, and then they leave again a couple days after. They're working on this major case they can't tell me about. It'll be nice to see them for a few days."
"Tell them about your single. Sing to them. Tell them about your album you're working on. They'll love to hear it. Mine do. If you're ever lonely you can just visit Bobby. After what happened, you know, he doesn't talk to us much."
"He still talks to me. I'll visit him sometime."
Jayk walked outside carrying a big black suitcase. David did the same.
"We still have to go get TC. Lets hope he doesnt pack much. We took a lot." Jayk laughed. Winston came running out and wandered over to Jayk. "Im gonna miss you buddy. Don't give Megan a hard time. We'll be back sooner than you know." He continued while petting his back.
"C'mon guys." David yelled. "Time to go."
Jayk and David climbed in the van while Drew brought me over to the side.
"Come to the airport with us!"
"Drew, i can't. Im not dressed for it, i look like crap."
"You're beautiful in whatever you wear. Please come. I want the last thing i see in America to be you."
"How could i say no to that face?" I grinned.
"You can't." Drew winked and opened the door for me.
I hopped in the van with Drew right behind me. Jayk was driving and David was in the passengers seat. It was a ten minute drive to TC's house. Within that time period I had fallen asleep on Drew's lap. I only know because TC woke me up when he shut the door.
"Oh, im sorry. I didn't see you were sleeping."
"Its alright. I should be awake anyway." I sighed.
"Babe, everything's gonna be okay."
We pulled up to LAX an hour later. The car ride consisted of TC eating his protein bar, which smelled like dead fish, David and Jayk in a heated debate about something on ESPN, and Drew stroking my hair and slipping a kiss on my forehead every now and then.
David went to go find a trolley for all of their luggage. Jayk parked the van and handed me the keys. David was coming back and they loaded all their things.
TC was on his laptop clicking away at something, David was eating, Jayk was listening to his iPod trying to drown out all of the noise. Drew and I just sat there, no words spoken. He held my hand and i had my head on his sholder.
"Bording for Munich can now begin." The loudspeaker announced.
"Thats us." Jayk stated.
Jayk gave me a big bear hug, picking me up and spinning me around.
"Jayk! Cut it out!" I replied laughing the whole time.
David patted my back and replied see ya soon.
TC and i hugged and then he shut his laptop and put it away.
Drew was reluctant about leaving. I could tell he didn't want to. The guys had already walked ahead grabbing a place in line, which left Drew and i standing there.
"Im gonna miss you." I finally spoke.
"Im gonna miss you too. Stay outta trouble."
"Same for you Drewby."
He pulled me into a hug which lasted for a long time. I shut my eyes until he pulled away and then suprised me with a kiss.
"I love you. Don't ever forget it. I'll be back as soon as i can."
"I love you too, Drew. I know you will. Good luck on tour. Take care of TC, David and Jayk. Make sure they don't do anything stupid."
"Good luck on your album. Send it to me when its finished. Take care of Waffles and Winston."
And with one more hug he stepped in line with David, Jayk, and TC. I watched them fade off into the doors and into the plane. I walked over to the big window to watch the plane take off. I silently stared as a tear rolled down unto my cheek. I saw as the plane took off to Germany with my boys. I looked down. "See you in three months."
With that i took off to the parking lot to get in the van and drive home.

What I Really Want To Say
Teen FictionMegan Jennings is just your average girl. Just finishing High School, shes on the verge of her singing career, and lives the perfect life. That's not what she thinks though. She never sees her parents, nothing ever goes right, and someone always see...