Chapter 2 | Drunk Souls

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"Drink! Drink! Drink! Drink!"

It was their 7th shot.

Only Lana, Jen, Eddy and Josh were still drinking.
It was our tradicional drinking contest.
Last Comic Con Lana won and now for Josh's face, I could see he wanted revenge.

But this year, I could see Jen was the one winning.
She didn't seem to care with getting drunk unlike last year.

After some more 5 shots - god they were insane - Eddy had already went to the bathroom probably throwing up and Lana finally gave up.

Josh and Jen. This isn't going good... for Jen.

"Okay Jen we should stop." Josh said with his best drunk smile.
"Just give up already." Jen smirked and I laughed.

"Josh c'mon that's too much. And Jen you've never drunk that much." Ginny helped Josh getting up and he sat with his wife at a near table.

Jen had no man to help her now.

"Hey. Come here." I said and when she turned around she was crying.

I looked around and fortunately everyone was entertained with Josh's drunk actions.

She tried to cover her face but I quickly grabbed some napkins that were at the counter and wiped the tears and the ruined mascara.

"This will be all over internet..." She sobbed.

"No it won't." I sighed and then I had an idea. "Come on. Here my jacket." I put it on her shoulders. "Now we're going outside and you're coming with me. Just try not to show your face-"

"I'm not gonna have sex with you."


"How many did you drink?"

"2?" She said with an innocent face.

I sighed. This is going to be a long night.

I told everyone I was taking Jen to the hotel and said goodbye.
Jen awaited for me at the exit. She couldn't even stay still on her foot, always balancing so she leaned against the wall.

We both walked out and I grabbed Jen on her back making sure she would keep walking.
She did as I said and covered her face.

The flashes of the cameras and interviewers trying to ask us things didn't stop.

"Is she okay? What happened?

"Is Jennifer Morrison crying?"

"How was the night party?"

"What can we expect from Dark Swan?"

I completely ignored and kept on my path as a security helped us. Thank God.

We walked for 5 minutes until we were at the hotel.

"Colin go away."

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