Chapter 13 | Road Trip Over

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I was in front of the mirror, brushing my wet hair.


I turned around and interrupted him.

"Look this isn't going anywhere. You have a wife, a wonderful woman, a son... We work together, Colin. People like us. Let's not screw all this up."

"I know. I came here to apolagize." I sighed and turned around to the mirror again.

"You don't need to apolagize. You're right." I mumbled.

"Yes I do. There's nothing wrong on being a virgin, it's actually pretty good. It's rare. It's special."

I stopped combing and looked at him through the mirror.

"Colin, you're a good person but, sharing this part of my life with you, was a mistake. This is my business and... I love our friendship the way it was. I don't wanna ruin it." I calmly said.

He looked at me in the eyes.


"I'm sorry. I don't know what walked into me last night. I... It was probably the effect of the shot I drank with Josh." I lied.

"What? We refused the alcohol, remember?"

"I know, I couldn't resist it so I drank one with Josh on our way out. Just... I'm sorry."

She nodded and smiled. The disappointment of knowing last night wasn't real but just the alcohol's doing was evident on her face.

"So let's... Let's forget this happened?" She said.

"Yes." I nodded. "So we are okay?"

"We are okay." She smiled.

"Glad to hear that." I said.


"Christina called me yesterday. She's giving a concert at the end of the month in Vancouver."

They were in the car, only the sound of the radio until Colin broke the silence.

"She invited me to go, and I was thinking on surprising her with the whole cast going."

"That'd be really sweet! We can talk with Adam and Eddy to re-schedule the filming to another day." Ginny said and looked at Josh who was driving.

"She's a complete fangirl. It's really funny." Colin said and turned his head to the back seats where Jen, Ginny and Oliver were sitting.  "And Jen, she said she really wanted to meet you."

"I'd love to meet her too. If I get free time, I'm going for sure. Don't worry." I smiled.

"I see we have another captainswaner. Tell her our romance is better, Colin." Josh smirked.

"She surely agrees, honey. No need to be jealous." Colin joked and they all laughed.

"Well have you decided where we're going?" Jen asked Josh and he simply smiled.

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