Chapter 21 | Fights

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| some irish translations are in the comments. Don't worry because the most part of them you can understand by the context. Enjoyyyy|

"Last night..." She took a deep breath. "I was followed."

"By who? Jen they did that to you?"

"I've been... I..."

"You don't have to tell her if you don't want to." Colin reassured her.

"Actually I'd like to know what happened. Jen I'm worried now." Helen said now grabbing Evan in her arms.

"I just- I was attached last night on my way to the car. I was leaving Ginny's house when it happened... It was late... I don't know why they did that. They probably wanted to steal something."

"Oh my god... I don't know what to say... But are you okay?"

"Yeah I am. I just came to explain that... you don't need to worry or something because I was the one who came here knocking on your door in the night. I was scared and I just didn't know what to do."

"I-It's okay... I'm just glad you're okay."

"Yeah I... I should go." Helen nodded and Jen opened the door.

"I'll go with you to the hospital. You don't know if they are going to appear again-" Colin insisted with the worry of imagining her alone walking on the street.

"Maybe we could call a private security?" Helen proposed and the silence came.

She was alone in this.
She wanted someone to be there with her in the waiting room, someone who would fade her nerves away.
She didn't want to be that woman sitting on the corner alone with a bruised eye and a purple cheek.

Of course she would wear sunglasses. No one needed to know Jennifer Morrison had been attached.

"Su-Sure." She managed to say, her voice almost a whisper.

"What-Wait. Jen can you give us a second?" Colin grabbed her arm before she left.

"Yeah I gotta go." She said, her eyes looked hurt.
She was hurt.

"Helen. I think you're not understanding something." Colin said once she left.


"You came here. You just appeared in my little universe without even warning. You have to understand that things have changed ever since you left me here alone. That was your choice."


"I have a life besides you. I have friends. She's in need of someone, and you know what? She's alone. You've got everything, your father is here just because you wanted to. I am in this bloody hotel just because you made it clear, you didn't want to come back. And I can bloody do what I want!"

"Oh yeah? How do you think I feel right now?! You slept with her!"

"What the hell?! I fell asleep!"

The silence came. The only sound in the room was just their heavy breathing of yelling so much and Evan's cries in the other corner.

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