Chapter 27 | Normal thing

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The week went by fast.
Maybe because of Colin's excitement.
He'd see Evan again. Thanks to Jen.

It was finally sunday night. He didn't really sleep.

They started texting.
They talked about how his meeting with Helen went. How Helen seemed completely different after Jen talked to her.
They actually had talked a bit and she finally admitted that she wasn't feeling the same for him anymore either. She almost felt obligated to be with him.

The subject changed to the premiere party that he had missed.
He couldn't go. He had to be at the airport at that time waiting for his son.

He could have gone after it but he wanted to spend the time with his son. Which is what he did and was now lying on his bed with his son next to him.

Jen said she would knock on his door or just text him once she was back from the party to tell him every detail of it.

Meanwhile, Colin and his son had a men night. In their own way, let's say.
They watched cartoons, ate chocolate ice cream... They even went to the hotel park to ride on his tricycle.
And all this... At midnight.

The little boy was all energetic for being back in his father's arms.
Although 15 minutes later he was already asleep like a rock in the huge bed.



The premiere was awesome

Fans are loving the episode

Ikr we did great. Hows Evan?

He's fine. I gotta say thank you Jen. Really. I couldn't be happier right now.

I just wanted to help. I knew Helen would understand me. Women weird thing.

😂 you weirdo

I am not weirdo

You are

Shit up
Sorry autocorrect 😌

They went like this for minutes. It was super annoying, super boring but he couldn't shake off the fact that he was smiling like an idiot to his phone screen.

Jen was exhausted. A tiny part of her still drunk.
She practically landed on her bed after changing to her pajamas and stayed like that, cuddled to her pillow and holding her phone, smiling with excitement everytime it buzzed.
Such a teenager.

I'm gonna fall asleep she had sent when she felt her eyes closing, but that had only happened 3 hours after.

Tell me one thing no one knows about you

Stop asking hard questions.

None of them said anything for a while. She didn't want their conversation to end already.

It's cold

Here it's not 😉

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