Chapter 23 | Daidí!!!!!

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"You know what you're doing is insane."

"Stop saying that. Jen listen me out." He placed his room keycard on the table after closing his room's door. "I haven't talked to her yet. She knows nothing about this."

She shrugged. She didn't want that to him. She didn't want to see him unhappy. Alone.

"Since that first time she came here... I don't know... I can't feel anything. I-I don't want to feel anything. Not for her. I don't know why, Jen, you're the only one I have right now with me, I need you to support me. I need your support."

"Of course I support you. You know that. But... I mean you'll be alone, Colin. You'll regret that. I don't want you to go through something like that."

"Jennifer, I'm already feeling lonely, with or without her."

She looked at him. She couldn't believe this.

"Maybe you're just confused. Maybe it's just the long distance between you two. Colin don't give up already-"

"No. It's different now. Something changed." He firmly said and picked up a glass to fulfill it with water. "We've been months apart once and I missed her. I missed her so bloody much. Now? I think of her like an intruder."

"Don't say that. Helen is a wonderful woman."

"She is. I couldn't be more glad to have her in my life. But... I don't know. Maybe you're right. Maybe it's the long distance that is doing this to me. Maybe it is. And then? I'll just keep living like this?"

"2 more years. The Tv show will have like 7 seasons, Colin. 2 more years. Don't let a Tv Show ruin your whole life. You can always quite."

"There's the thing. I want to stay. I want to stay here. Buy a house to myself. Bloody hell Jen I've been sleeping in a hotel for one year! Just because of her."

"And what about Evan?"

"I nor Helen will abandon him. There are many solutions."

Jen sighed and sat at his mini wooden table pressing her fingers on her forehead. She really couldn't believe this was happening.

"What's troubling you?" Colin asked, sitting in front of her with his glass of water.

"I don't you to end up like me. Alone."

He looked at her, shocked inside with the amount of worry that she felt for him.

"You are not alone."

"I feel like I am."

Colin leaned back in his chair sighing.
"I guess that is something we have in common right now."

Jen chuckled and looked up at him. She got up and walked to him.

She held up her arms requesting for a hug and he just smiled getting up to put his arms around her.

"I'll always support you, you know that right?" She said into his ear and he nodded. "I'll support you if you decide to shave... Which I quite disagree because that beard is sexy." She teased him and laughed. She felt his smile pressed on her neck. "Even if you decide to cut off your hair or if you tell me you're gay... Well that would be disappointing."
Colin forced Jen to the left with his laughing making them swing from foot to foot.

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