Chapter 30 | Listen to his cry

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"You don't want people to know."

"No I don't." She said, a little more determination than she intended. He sighed and that made her explain herself. "You just divorced Helen. What are you expecting people will think about us? About me?"

He sighed and looked at her, one hand reaching his side.

"I want to be with you." She whispered, Colin wasn't expecting that. "I really do. But... We need to give it some time."

"You wanna stop seeing each other?!"

"No! God, no! No, no. I just think..." she breathed out before continuing "that we can only keep this between us. Maybe with the production too... and the guys. But... with extreme precaution. This is very risky and a simple lapse can cause a lot."

"Hum hum." he said before pulling in to catch her lips. They were inside his trailer so there was no problem at all. The only witness in the room was Evan who seemed to be more interested on the toys he was playing with on the floor. "Relax."

"I am relaxed."

"No you're not." he chuckled and she formed a sad smile. "Good thing we live in the same building right?" he smirked referring to their hotel. He was right. There was no problem in sneaking in each other's rooms.

"Pervert." she laughed.

He smiled before pecking her cheek and the three of them (they didn't leave Evan alone in the trailer for God's sake) went to have a snack at the small food tent on set before they shot their afternoon scene.

Jen impatiently waited for Debs to take off all the Dark Swan's make-up from her face.

Jen always went home with her hair lighter than usual because of the Dark Swan's hair dye and it would totally be gone only after 3 baths.

"I'm done, you can go now." she said stepping out of the bathroom of her hotel room, only a towel around her body and hair.
They had planned that night they stayed at her room.

He prepared his things and walked to the bathroom, passing by her and pressing a kiss on her bare shoulder.

He had noticed before. Multiple times. Jen was beautiful.
I think everyone could state that.
Her body was thin, her skin tender, and her form very curvy.

He had already watched years ago a bed scene of Jen with Matthew Davis when she was younger. A lot younger. Maybe 17/18 years old. He was with Sean and the both of them decided to Google sex scenes with their partners. The usual dorks.
However, that night ended with the two men laughing and mocking one another with the videos they found of each other. Mortifying videos. Videos they thought they would never see again.
It was more Sean than Colin though. The only terrible thing they could find was Colin making out with a blonde in the TV Show The Clinic and Sean kept saying "Wrong blonde! Wrong blonde!" while he kept kissing that woman.

He reminded himself to not invite Sean to The Dust Storm's this weekend's premiere.

"Tom?" Meanwhile, Jen was trying to interact with Evan.
It was impossible. The only thing she could say to him was if he wanted to play on her iPhone. She wished he knew how to speak in English and she was actually really grateful when Colin told her he intended to.

Jen got dressed to her pajamas, Evan too focused on the game.
And then the thought tormented her again.

Today was the day Jesse Spencer was out of jail.

She shook her head, trying to also shake away the thought. He suffered intense months of therapy. He was changed. He had to be changed.

Jen was checking her phone, many people commenting on her #101smiles post on instagram, when Colin came back from the bathroom. Jen turned away to see him and found him only with a shirt and boxers on.

What a shame, hun?

"Everything's alright, love?"

She forced a smile and nodded. He sighed and brought his lips to hers until a voice break the moment.

"Daidí cén fáth a bhfuil tú a choinneáil kissing Jen sa bhéal?"

"Oh God..." Colin sighed and turned around to find Evan looking at them, Jen's phone in his hands but not paying much attention to it.

"What did he say?"

"He asked why do I keep kissing you in the mouth... Smart guy."

"You haven't explained everything that has happened to him?"

"He's two. I didn't expect him to understand these things."

"Well he does..." Jen sighed and looked at the boy still waiting for an answer from his father.

Colin nodded and walked to the bed, sitting next to him and the both of them started a conversation between them, a conversation only they could understand (due to the irish).

Jen just kept making dinner, listening to them talking.

It was until Evan had started crying that Jen felt bad. Really bad.

She stopped what she was doing and closed her eyes, hearing Colin comforting him.

She had taken away his mother and father's togetherness from him. And she felt horrible. She felt horrible for making a 2-years-old suffer.

She took deep breaths and walked to them.

She sat on the bed on Evan's other side, Colin watching her and wondering what she was doing,
The baby had his eyes red circled, his cheeks wet and his nose snotty.

"I'm sorry." she mouthed and hugged him, his arms circling her and his small fingers touching her hair on her back. Jen brought her hand to the back of his head, passing her fingers through his dark blonde hairs.

"Agus beidh muid go léir sásta freisin." Colin said once they pulled away, his hand rubbing Jen's back.
|And we will be happy.|

|This scene will be continued next chapter ;)
I love fast updating

COMMENT WHAT YOU THOUGHT! I always love your comments af u guys are goals|


- My dears if you watch TVD this might shock you. Matthew Davis is Alaaric. ALAARIC HAD A VERY DETAILED SEX SCENE WITH JEN IN A MOVIE. I. am. not. lying. It's on youtube. You probably have already seen it but you didn't realize it was him because they were really young but yeah it's him.

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