Chapter 10 | The Beach

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I woke up still on the couch but without her. Instead, there was a dark blue sheet covering my body.
Did she put it?

I got up and saw Ginny and Josh preparing food to a cooler, laughing and making out at the same time. The usual.

"Well good morning." I said and walked to them.
"Morning sunshine." Josh said and kissed my cheek while Ginny only rolled her eyes with a smile spread on her face.

"Where's Jen?"
"Oh she's already at the beach. She always wakes up early to see the sunrise."

"Well do you need my help? I'm going to her."
"No no. Go. We'll be there to have lunch with you guys and then we stay there the afternoon."
"Okay I'll just change."


The water was really cold.
I had to swim to adjust the temperature to my body.
But the day was beautiful.

No clouds.
No wind.
Just the beautiful sun and the wonderful blue sky.

I plunged down in the water.
There was a lot of people on the sand but none here.

I finally came to the surface and couldn't feel my feet.
I was freezing.

I walked to my towel and braided my hair so it could dry quicker.
I sat down, my arms around my knees.

I put on my sun glasses so no one would recognize me.
I watched the waves.
Going and coming.

This was so peaceful.
Sadly it wouldn't last forever.

I didn't say anything to Jesse.
I don't even know if I'm supposed to.

Suddenly I felt someone laying down a towel next to mine.


"Good morning to you too." He said and sat on his towel.
He was shirtless.

"I didn't want to wake you up."

"How's the water?"

I looked at him.
He took off his sunglasses and put it upon his shirt.


"Great. Coming?"

"I just came here. I'm freezing."

He gave me his hand.
He wasn't going anywhere without me.

"The cold is psychologic." He said and it made me think.
He was right.

I decided to go at once and dove into the water.
"Geez forget the psychologic thing." I laughed.

He came after me.

I splashed him right to his face and he splashed back.
We stayed like that for a while and I forgot about the cold.

I looked down and noticed the difference of the color of my skin under my bikini.

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