Chapter 48 | Let's theorize

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| here some real colifer feels ^

Guys just warning you that I'm thinking on ending this fic on chapter 50 (the 50th one would be the epilogue)

I'm really sad about it tho... But dont worry. I still have lots of ideas of colifer moments and so... So who knows? MAYBE a sequel in the future.

But still, dont worry cuz I'll be starting a new book after this one.
I've been thinking on a cs/colifer one-shots cuz I just have lots of ideas and nsmsksksksksnnsn


"So what are we getting?"

He guided her to the last corridor of the gas station shop that said reoite. From what she could see, she presupposed it was frozen food, like ice cream - where she actually caught her eyes on.

"I was thinking on chocolate crepes."

"Chocolate crepes at midnight?"

It was half past midnight. The good thing of gas stations was that it was opened 24/7. Even on Christmas Eve.
Well was it still Christmas Eve?

She didn't know.
She only knew that from far it was being the best christmas she's ever had. Apart from all the situation with his family.

The moment they left his house, she felt like a rebel teenager having an adventure on Christmas.
Jen has always been the good one, the organized and well-behaved one.
She was an adult now on the irish streets on Christmas night, with Colin, a 5-year-old mind.

They walked to the other corner of the shop towards the cashier to pay for the frozen crepes. How would they heat it up? She had no idea.


She was walking when she noticed that he had stopped and was looking up at one of the many shelves that were on the wall.
Then she realized why he was calling her.

"Flavors... For it?!" She looked at him laughing.

"Come on we could try." He smirked kneeling down to read each flavor. "Helen never wanted this. Too embarrassed to buy it."
He just wanted her to try new things.

"Well I am too. We don't need that." She said before he grabbed one and showed a cherry one. "Oh my god."

Luckily they were the only customers in the shop and only a unlucky employee that got to work on Christmas.

"Hum there's a 'pleasure' one. Or 'warming - intimate lube'?"

"Colin." She couldn't help but laugh at him. "At least bring the pleasure one."

She made him hide the blue lube in his jacket as they walked and he didn't stop sneaking it out teasing her.

"Thanks..." The cashier murmured while Jen put the crepes box on the roller carpet.

"Oh-" the woman said before Colin decided to pull out the lube. "Aren't you two on a show? You're Colin right? My daughter watches your show!"

"Oh yeah haha we are."

"And you guys are here at midnight on a Christmas night? In Ireland? Whoah I'd never expect."

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