Chapter 3 | The Truth

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I packed everything.

Today I have only one autograph session and then at night we are flying to Vancouver.

I don't want to get out of this room, to face people.

After last night my face is all over internet.

And my guilt... For Helen.

I looked at my phone.
Gladly Jesse didn't say anything more.

I didn't text him back and that scared me because I had always replied him.

I finally got ready and went outside.

I decided to wear a white dress. It was a tight one and it ended before my knees.

I remember my sister had helped me choosing it for Comic Con.

Fortunately I caught Lana on my way to the breakfast buffet.
We greeted and went to the elevator to find Colin and Josh and a strange man who were coming down from the third floor.

This can't be happening.

"Morning guys." Lana said and I just nodded smiling.

"How are you Josh, after last night's adventure?" I smirked.

"I don't remember one single bit of it." He said and we all laughed.

I do remember.

"Well you're lucky press didn't catch you. I checked twitter and didn't see you there mate." Colin said and the elevator's doors opened and we walked out.

I haven't even gone to twitter but I know I was caught.

"Well that was because we waited a bit longer before we get out of there."

We went to the hotel restaurant area and I quickly checked for free wifi. Gladly this hotel was amazing.

My notifications came all at once and I finally opened my twitter.

@jenmorrisonlive We love you jen.

Fuck the haaaaate


Jen can get drunk whenever she wants to because it's her life not yours bye

@jenmorrisonlive they are all jealous because they can't be as happy as you

You only live once.

What the hell?

@jenmorrisonlive is a human and she has all the right to enjoy life like everyone. I just helped her as a friend. #stophate

As I looked at my phone we sat at the cast's table to have breakfast.

A lot of people was already there and I think only Rebecca was still at her room.

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