Chapter 24 | Thank You

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warning of cliffhanger |

"What you did was a big mistake."

"Give me another drink."

"No. It's enough. You're going to stop."

It had been 16 days.
16 days since Helen left with Evan to Ireland, far far away from him.
He was already regretting that decision. He missed his son. He needed his son back.
But it was too late now.

Colin was now having his hangover at Josh's house.

"Josh take me home." He started crying. "I can't drive."

"I will drive you. And then you're going to bed, you're gonna sleep and then you'll call Helen fixing everything."

"No! She left me." He sobbed.

"No. You made her leave. Whatever was going on your mind that day-"

"I. Don't. Love. Her. I don't bloody love her! She fucking took away my child. That woman has no bloody feelings. He was crying in front of me. In. Front. Of. Me. He wanted me. Wanted my arms and that- that- monster ripped away everything I had left!"

"Don't you dare to say that. That woman was the best that has ever happened in your life and now you ruined it. You ruined yourself. Look at you. You've been drunk for weeks! Jen has been calling me, you were supposed to be filming and no. You are leaving everything behind. What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"Just take me home." After a long silence, tears rolling down his cheeks, he said.

Josh sighed and took the keys that were on the counter, opening the door and waiting for Colin to walk through.

The ride was silent. Colin just entertained himself looking out the window.
He was unstable. He couldn't handle this anymore.

Helen had been calling him saying she's taking care of the papers.
At first, Helen had decided to share custody. One month to each parent.
But when she heard everywhere on social medias that her ex-husband had been found drunk walking on the streets she just texted him saying she'd never let Evan near him again.

And she was somehow right. A man like that would never be able to take care of a baby. But what she didn't know was that Evan was actually the solution to his mental problems.

The image of his own son crying and calling his name, trying to reach him with his small arms, tears rolling down his face and red circles around his eyes was the image that hunted him every waking moment in these past 5 days.
He knew he wouldn't see his son soon and that was eating him inside.
He wanted to hold him, play with him, tell him his father is sorry, that everything will be okay and to make him smile.

They arrived at the hotel but still Josh made sure Colin would be in bed so he went with him inside.

It hurt to see his friend, his funny mate in this state, breaking into peaces.

"I'm on my way." Jen said after Josh called her telling her he needed her help right now.

Colin had seen Jen twice in the past days.
They lived in the same building it was impossible not to face each other.

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