Chapter 49 | It happened

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She woke up with the feeling of him leaving the bed.
And then she felt it too.

The room was too hot.
Her eyes begging to close.
Her cheeks burning.
Her whole body sleepy.


She mumbled in the darkness.
She noticed the door was semi-closed.
He had left the room.

"Oh God." She felt the headache, the need to throw up.
Her throat hurt from swallowing.

She got up, still naked from last night.
It felt so so good. The fresh air made her feel so so good.

She went to her bag and grabbed a white top, too hot to wear her winter pajamas.
She put on the first pair of pants that she found and grabbed 2 socks before walking downstairs.

She saw the kitchen's lights on and walked towards there.


"Love what are you doing down here? You're running a fever." He was wetting a small purple towel in the sink, surely with cold water. "Come on, back to bed."

They climbed up the stairs silently, her body feeling chills of the sudden coldness.

"How are you feeling? What hurts?" He said lowly once they were back to his bed.

"Headache. Nothing more." She noticed that her pillow was wet with sweat when she lay back down.

He showed her a digital thermometer and gave her a teasing smile. She felt like a small kid just being treated by her father. "Mouth or arm?"

"Arm is okay."

Since she was with a top she only lifted her arm and he placed the damn cold on her armpit.

"I felt my sore throat yesterday. Should have taken something."

"Hum.. What an amazing christmas present hun?" He teased her and that made her smile. "Don't worry about it, Jen. Today was going to be a day at home anyways."

The thermometer beeped and he took it to see what it said. 102 F

"It's official. You're sick." He kissed her forehead before getting up. "My mom must have some Tylenol in this house. I'm gonna ask her. You stay here."

"What? You're gonna wake up your mother? It's the middle of the night."

"It's okay, don't worry." He said before leaving the room.

She just faced the ceiling. Suddenly the room was too cold, her legs were seemed too exposed between her sock and pants.

And then his mother was walking to the room. She expected her bad temper for waking her up at this time of the night but no.

"Mum I just need tylenol-"

"Maybe there's no need for Tylenol, Colin. Don't be stubborn. You can't just take Tylenol because you want to." She heard them approaching the door.

She opened the door and gave her a smile and then walked to the bed where Jen was sitting, her back against the wall. "How do you feel?"

It happened. | COLIFER FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now