Chapter 18 | The Realization

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"Let's sit here then."

She was supposed to be relaxing in Austin right now with her family and childhood friends, but no. She accepted going on this photoshoot promoted by Allure.

She already knew the people here.
She actually had posed naked with them. And they couldn't have been nice, but what she really wanted now, was her family.

"Let's start with the interview and then we can go with the photoshoot."

She knew what she was up to, why they had called her.
Last year it was about to show women's beauty.
This year? How love could make someone really happy with their lives.

"So Jen, tell me about your family."

"Well I've always been really close to my parents. I've always had this closed connection with them that the other kids would never understand how I could do it, you know? And the fact that my parents were teachers at my school had its pros and cons." She slightly laughed.

"You play Emma Swan on Once Upon A Time, a show that teaches us what True Love is. What do you think about it?"

"I love how Adam and Eddy included not just that romantic love that we are all used to see and hear but also the maternal love, and friends love. You know it's all about love, not the person you're in love with."

"Describe the perfect guy for you in 3 words."

"Well...." She blurted out laughing before she could answer. "The perfect guy... Hum... Someone trustful, someone who you feel protected with and of course a cuddler." She laughed to the woman's head nodding agreeing to all what she said behind the camera.

"Do you love yourself?"

"I think,... No one can totally do that. We always have this part of us that we just can't love because we just don't like it, but we should stop comparing ourselves with the others because we are all different, there's just no comparing possible.
You know when I started getting more into this job of acting, someone asked me exactly that question, because there's no worse feeling than looking at ourselves on the TV and think "oh my god delete this". We need to be free to laugh, to show how we really feel, how different we are from the others.
That's really important."

"Emma finally found herself her true love in the series, Captain Hook." The camera woman raised an eyebrow as she looked at the question she was reading. "What about you Jennifer? Have you found your real life Prince Charming?"

"Oh God... Ah..." She laughed again. "I'm not specifically looking for it, you know? Just let it happen naturally. I've been really busy lately, and it's hard. Just.. Yeah..." She laughed again, not knowing what to say anymore.

"Okay last question. What do you think about love?"

"That's a hard question... I think we all need to love someone and also feel loved. In my opinion, a life with anyone there with us can be really troubling and depressing.
Love makes us happy.
It also breaks us, but we just have to look between the bad things and pick up the good ones, because they are worth everything."

"Okay it's done. Could you just please present yourself to the camera?"

"Hi I'm Jennifer Morrison, and I'm here for Allure."

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