Chapter 38 | Hope

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^ Here Mr. Geoff ^
| I just noticed this fanfic is getting really long whoah
Well actually if we compare with my other fanfictions it's not long at all hahaha

Guess I just like writing and dying with feels at the same time

Decided to name this chapter with my first cs fanfic's name. Hope nanaa :)


People keep asking me where do I get all these ideas well dearies cs/colifer dream scenes is all I think about on classes when teachers start talking way too much which kinda happens all the time|


"Your phone is ringing."

They were half-naked at that moment. No surprise she didn't even notice the phone.

"Forget it."

The phone kept ringing, as they kept kissing.


She pulled the phone out of her pocket and looked at the screen.

Incoming call

She slid her finger to answer it.


"Jen. Finally. Where the hell are you?! I'm sorry okay? I'm terribly sor-"

"Don't worre... I-I'll see youUu morning- morning tomorrow."

"Jen. You're drunk- Where are you? I'll come pick-"

"So what did he want?" Geoff said once she put her iPhone back in her pocket.

"He's just worried. Now where were we?" she said smiling and bringing her arms around his neck to support herself or her dizziness from the alcohol would knock her down.

This all had started when after dozens of shots Geoff decided it was time to go home.
And she needed to do this. She couldn't let all the night go in vain.



"You okay?"

"Yeah, just thinking."

"Maybe this isn't a good idea."

"This is nothing. Just a one night thing."

This is nothing.

Did she really want this?

This was the only way to stop her stupid fear and not embarrass herself in front of Colin.

But once he finds out about this... that she had chosen Geoff instead of him... God would he be mad...

Her thoughts were interrupted when she felt her body falling down. It was him. He had fallen with her on the bed. Right. Back to reality.
She just needed to do this. And then, great. It was done.

It happened. | COLIFER FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now