Chapter 45 | Missed Me?

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The sound of of cutlery scratching ware interrupted their mother-daughter moment.

"Sorry- Sorry- Forget I was here." Colin said taking quick steps forward in the kitchen to place his plate in the sink, close to where the women were.

"You listened didn't you?" Her mother asked, a smile spread on her face.

He just couldn't help but smile, a sudden need to blurt out laughing in front of them due the embarrassing situation he was in.

"And you still ask him that? It's Colin we're talking about."

Her mother chuckled as he kept walking with his head down, his eyes on the floor and a silly smile on his face as he walked to the exit.

"He might look like he's an adult, mom, but when you meet him? He's worse than Dan. Total 5-year-old." She said and started laughing, running after him who was already halfway out the kitchen.

She hugged him from his back, her arms going around his torso and her right cheek resting against his back.

"You eavesdropper." She mumbled and that made him turn around to face her.

"I make you feel special hum?" He teased her, making her blush with embarrassment.
He made her feel special... She knew it was silly saying it out loud.

"You are special, Jen." She hid her face on his neck, giggling like a teenager. "I love making you blush you know?"


"Anything, just text me. And please call me more often I miss you, Jennifer."

"Hey you can call me too whenever you want." Jen replied before pulling her sister into a hug.

"I'll miss you Cookie." Jen turned to her brother to say goodbye.

"Right you guys forgot to tell me the Cookie story." Colin spoke.

They all laughed. "It's just that Daniel when was like... 7? 8? After taking his bath he always stayed sitting on the couch in the living room, a towel on his head to dry his hair and a bottle of cookies in his hand. Always."

"Towel to dry the hair? That's so girly of you, Dan." Colin teased Daniel that was right next to him.

"Yeah well mom even thought she had a gay son."

"Well I'd say she was wrong." Ellie said behind him.

"Don't worry. You're not the only one with a humiliating childhood. See this scar here? Me trying to shave at 7 years old."

Jen just laughed remembering the day she had asked him where had he gotten that scar. Whoah. They had that conversation 3 years ago.

"Ellie, congrats again. I can't wait for you to be a Morrison too." Jen smiled wide, looking at the beautiful ring on her finger.

"Congrats." Colin said too.

Jen's parents finally came out the airport shop so they could say goodbye.

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