Chapter 41 | My Home is Yours

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| First of all I just wanted to thank you all because this fanfiction was in first place of my own Instagram Account Awards 😂😂😂 (go check @/press.the.emma.button on instagram) and I loved how you guys voted for this fanfiction:
" It Happened by @satan on wattpad "

You guys are amazing.

And also I'd like to thank:
• @pucktana (russian)
• @CristianaDL (italian)
• @luz-1801 (french)

For translating or going to, this fanfiction to the languages above so more people can read this story.
I'm seriously fascinated that I am the author of this story. Sometimes I can't believe I'm this known and loved.

And for that, I'm incredibly thankful.
I will always be your (not that much sometimes) lovely satan.|

"Mom I don't know- I don't- ahhhhhh I'll say something tomorrow. I need to know something before."

"What? Jen don't tell me you'll be working on thanksgiving."

"No no no. It's just... mom. I want you to meet someone."

"Oh... You didn't tell me there was a someone!"

She laughed and sat on the black chair that was in the room's balcony. "It's just... We've been together for a while and I wanted it to be a surprise."

"Humm so I already know this guy?"

"You do."

"Jen are you sure he's good for you?"

"I've never been this happy mom."

"Be careful, sweetheart. So then... invite him to spend thanksgiving with us."

"That's what I was thinking. I just need to talk to him first and then I'll tell you something."

"Okay then. Your father tells you he loves you. And so do I of course. Call me later, Jennifer."

"Bye, love you two."

She hung up and got up, walking back inside the room and feeling the difference of temperature. She went back to her seat at the table where Colin and Evan still were eating.

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah... just my mom." She brought a fork full of pasta to her mouth. "Is Evan with you at Thanksgiving?"

"I haven't talked with Helen yet, but she told me she wanted him for Christmas... so guess I'll want him for Thanksgiving. Are you going to your parents'?"

She took a sip of her glass of wine and looked at him and nodded. "I'd like to bring you with me."

"Yeah?" he said smirking.

"Yeah. My mom already knows someone's coming with me... I didn't tell her who though. Maybe it could be a surprise?"

"Your mother will be shocked."

"Everyone is always."

"Good point there. So Evan...?"

It happened. | COLIFER FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now