Chapter 32 | Makes Us See

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| SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING AHHH NEW YEAR GOT ME BUSY so only the crazy ones will remember what happened last chapter so I'm just gonna sum it up for the normal people kay? xD

(I hope there are lots of crazy lovers for my ff af)

Basically last chapter Jen was shooting her Wild Wild Horses production and she called Colin who was spending the day with Sean. Evan is currently with his mother.
He told Jen he was going to tell about their relationship to Sean, since they had decided to start telling the cast and he also said he had planned dinner for the two of them at Ginny and Josh's.
Reminder that Jen already told Ginny about them and WE DONT KNOW IF I-WON'T-TELL-YOUR-SECRET-OOPS-I-JUST-TOLD GINNY DID OR DID NOT TELL JOSH TOO HAHA they are married af of course she told him like duhhh they live together. and god it's a really big thing of course she wouldn't resist to not tell him.


"You told Ginny... Do you think she told Josh?"

"Isn't the answer evident?" she laughed.

He sighed and kept driving.

After he had told her about Sean's reaction, she was more confident. Excited actually. Very excited, to let people know about them, about what they feel for each other.

At first Sean had thought it was a trick, maybe a bet that he had made with Josh. But when he showed him their photos on his phone, he was shocked.
Colin understood. It was very hard to understand what was going on between the two because what they already had before was not that different from what they had now. They've always been these dorky closed friends, always tickling or punching each other. Jen always combed his hair before a scene. They would laugh whenever they were in an awkward position. And then even out of set, always going for a Starbucks at the end of the day, or in late scenes they would share a blanket due to the coldness outside, Colin always bothering her for her cold hands.

They arrived and he pulled over a bit far from their door since the park was crowded, reaching to the back seats for her jacket to give it to her before reaching for his too. It was raining outside so he put on his bean too. Gods she loved annoying him about it, always bringing her hand to it and pushing it off.

"Swagger mood activated." She teased him like she used to and blurting out laughing before getting out of the car.

"Shut up." he said only bringing his lips to hers and tickling her for a second under the arm.

They walked in the rain, their arms around each other in a half-hug trying to forget the surrounding coldness. She giggled, hot air sneaking out of her mouth like smoke.

But behind that smile, inside her mind, her thoughts were going on light speed.

Memories consumed her because here, exactly where they were walking now, was where she's been violently attacked. Back... Very back in time. |re-read chapter 19-20 if you wanna remember|

He noticed her silence and he too remembered. Those small shy knocks on the door at 3am. The moment his heart couldn't handle anymore seeing her hurt. The moment he realized he was in love with her.

He simply squeezed her. Maybe too much.

"I can't breathe."

It happened. | COLIFER FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now